Is Buying A Booster Box Of Arcues Worth The Money?


Live. Love. Burn. Die.
So I have been contemplating for a few days on wither or not I should buy a booster box of Platinum: Arceus.

Obviously theres the more desired cards:

Gengar Lv. X
Salamence Lv. X
Expert Belt

And then the decent cards:

Gengar (Curse)
Shiny (Bagon, Shinx, Ponyta)

Eh Cards:

Tangrowth Lv. X
Arceus 1 - 9

Now there are a lot of bad rares and Holos in the set which makes me uneasy unlike the other sets I have bought Booster Box from.

Obviously I will not be getting all of these cards in 1 Booster Box but I would do you think it is worth the money for just those 9 or so cards?

So please post your opinions! Especially if you have a bought a box and please LMK your experience with the set!
I think it's worth it if you can find it cheap enough. I bought mine for $81, it was a decent box. I pulled Gengar x, arceus omniscient, and arceus psybolt, all 9 arceus (in every box), 7 expert belt, 6 lucky egg, and NO shinies!, 1 charizard =\, no kabutops, my box kinda sucked, but I think it was worth it.
Personally, for me, I wouldn't buy the set. I think Sally X and Tangrowth X will be the Blaziken FB X of PA. There was so much hype over it, then if you look at it now, its not worth a whole lot, but its still worth something. And Gengar X won't be the new Luxray GL X obviously. Expert Belts are great, but you can look at it this way: Buy a $90 box and get 4-5 Expert Belts or buy/trade Expert Belts for $9. Also, a set can be determined good or bad by the playability of the set. What I mean by this is if you look at Rising Rivals, you see Luxray X and Flygon X. These two cards are highly playable in so many decks, where as you look at Platinum: Arceus, you see Gengar X, Sally X, Tangrowth X. These cards wont have much playability as you would only really see them in Gengar Variants, Salamence Rogues, and Tangrowth Tanks. But all in all I don't rate this set too high. Hope this helped!
^Ace11 said it all.
There wasn't enough good stuff in the set to buy a box.The lv.x's are kinda bad(Gengar does look cool though)unless you want to build a Arcues deck I'd stay away from buying a box.
I only bought 2 cases instead of the 3 I usually do...of those 12 boxes I sold 3 to friends, so 'only' kept 9 and I still have a ton of stuff from it. The set doesn't sell're probably better of buying singles and 'building' your own 'box.' Tangrowth X is like $8-10 on eBay. Gengar is the most at $20-25. So, you could buy 3 different X of your choice for like $50. Leaves you with $30-40 for expert belts and spiritombs and other lower priced things so you get everything you need/want without risking buying a box and getting tangrowth X and Arceus #95 as 2 of your 3 Xs which, unless you rip someone, you aren't going to be able to trade anybody for Gengar X or Sally X. If opening a box gives you a lot of entertainment value though and you can find one cheap enough, knock yourself out :p
Alright guys thanks a lot for all your opinions! All were quite helpful.

I guess I will keep my money and spend it elsewhere.

Thanks a lot guys.
They said it all, but I will just add this;

Only get it if there are lots of cards you need still.
For me, I only need a couple of the arceus cards which are very obtainable in normal trades.
So for just a few cards, your better holding off and waiting for HG/SS.
I actually thought this set was great. The X's are a bit meh besides gengar and salamence, but I thought most of the rares and holos were good. Sure, there is mothim, manectric, and pellipeper to ruin the ratio, but most of the rest are at least reasonable, if not playable.
Except for expet belt and spiritomb, there aren't really any meta-useful cards you'll find in multiples. Salamance X, gengar X, 2 spiritombs and 2 expert belts are still worth less than a box (money wise. I don't think it's worth it unless you plan to play arceus.
Who buys a box to play an arceus deck? It's far cheaper to buy the whole arceus set or just trade for them since people don't value them particualarly high.

I bought a box and got kinda screwed only 2 X's in the box while everyone else got 3. But I almost comleted the non holo set and we got the perfect amount of expert belts so we could all use them.
Yeah, I'm going to have to buy a box of Arceus to see if I can complete it (only a few more cards to go), and I also want to finish my Arceus deck without anymore trading. So it's worth it to me.

dmaster out.