is intensfe fight in the destroyed sky the best dp set?

is IFINDS the ebst dp set

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like sha, it has so many good cards in it most of the time the people are talking about the set that were going to get next but everyone is talking about this set because its so good.
Well I do think it has some good cards , but to me GE,MT, and MD (maybe SW) are good for differnet things
good pokemon
good lvl.x's
rare candy be reprinted
finally getting garchomp lv.x and porygon z lv.x
getting eeeveulations back
new energy
phoine and the list goes on and on.
this year is pokemon was nothing like last year ,the meta-game jsut sorta stay the same unlike last year.... Who knows what will happen in 08-09.I will sue if DRE and scramble get reprinted. (Just makes PUSA want to scream "We Love GG").
Im pretty sure it isnt a dp set. I think Japan only had 5 dp's. We'll have six due to our sets getting messed up. It is different because there arent 2 half sets. But technically no. Anyways, Speedgar FTW!
Its not in the dp set because if its not in japan its prabably not a set that belongs in a catagory.