Is it possible...

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Member build a good competitive deck besides Rampardos without having to run Claydol and/or Uxie? I've been trying to find an easy way out but it seems like Furret is the only ticket budget wise.
I want to get a bunch of Dodrios from PotF when they come out just in case they become a new claydol or something.

You can make one, Like Scizor, but it might be a little slow.
I'm currently running a blastoise deck that runs great without them, even scored a few donks with it (not the decks intention) but claydol does make decks more consistant, I've faced a kingdra deck that i stood a chance against until that second claydol landed.
but to answer you can build a good deck you may even make top cut but you'll be playing everything your deck has and hit your limit if you want first
Please try i love to see people step away from staples and do well
I've tried plenty of decks w/o draw engines, and it works just fine. However, an engine would speed up the deck and make it more consistent.
Scizor/Cherrim is the best non-Claydol/Uxie deck. 4 Rowan and some Cynthia's work great in there.
Uxie and Claydol just shut down Scizor anyway.
Toxitank doesn't really need Uxie, it can do fine without it.

dmaster out.
Ampha-pwn77 said:
Scizor/Cherrim is the best non-Claydol/Uxie deck. 4 Rowan and some Cynthia's work great in there.
Uxie and Claydol just shut down Scizor anyway.

Yeah but nobody plays it anymore due to Dialga G Lv. X and I already have a Grass deck... :(

Medaforcer said:
I want to get a bunch of Dodrios from PotF when they come out just in case they become a new claydol or something.

You can make one, Like Scizor, but it might be a little slow.

Yeah but Dodrio isn't good enough to be the next Claydol, Uxie already made it yet Power Spray is gonna
kill it from seeing play soon If Pokemon-SP decks become too dominant.
Try Quick Butterfree. 4-4-4 Butterfree and nothing else. It may not look as if it got anything remotely resembling damage output, but when its so hard to kill the damn things, you'll quickly reconsider that. You could add Cherrims too if you want.
Lou Cypher said:
Try Quick Butterfree. 4-4-4 Butterfree and nothing else. It may not look as if it got anything remotely resembling damage output, but when its so hard to kill the darn things, you'll quickly reconsider that. You could add Cherrims too if you want.
after the next release speedrill might get faster thought i'd quote the previous as butterfree and beedrill should be a similar build