Is it really hard...


Wish Maker
... to come by the card Jirachi EX in the Crystal Guardian packs? Jirachi's my favorite card, so a deck with him in it would be really nice. I'm pretty lucky, got a Blastoise (d) in my first CG pack.
Well, there are about 3 ex cards per box But you could buy 100 boxes and not come across it!
You should trade it or get it off e-bay.
When I got mine it was in one of the boosters I bought and I got about 5 boosters that day. Jirachi ex is not the hardest ex in crystal guardians to get imo. If you keep not getting one then trade or buy one.
Teddiursa said:
Well, there are about 3 ex cards per box But you could buy 100 boxes and not come across it!
You should trade it or get it off e-bay.

I would like to clear this statement. Not all "ex Series" boxes contain 3 ex-Pokemon Cards, it depends on the amount of ex-Pokemon cards in each set. For instance "Holon Phantoms" contain only one per box, while "Dragon Frontiers" and "Legend Maker" contain two.

Anyways, trading with others is the best idea.
I'm new to this whole game as it is now, I used to collect when the first series' were out. I don't feel like paying $40 for the card, but I suppose I've never traded over the internet.
Its hrd to get an ex in ANY pck/set. There's roughly a 9.89% of getting a ex in a set of 10 packs, let's say. getting a SPECIFIC ex is about 1.89 % in 10 packs. in 1 pack, its about 0.13 %, give or take. You'd be better off trading, or buying it off line. Hope i've helped :).
Hauntyd_Wish said:

Don't give up, theres always Pokemon Trade Center, Ebay, Leagues and CHampionships, and other things. THeres a Jirachi ex out there somewhere.