Help Is it Safe to Buy Tapu Lele GX Now?


Aspiring Trainer
Is it safe to buy Tapu Lele GX now (Full art especially)? Is the price already stable or should I wait?
Wait at least a week. I traded for my full art yesterday for my full art not very good condition Shaymin EX. I think the price will settle lower than 40- but who knows?
I'd say wait a few weeks. The set isn't technically even out until tomorrow, the official release will probably shift some prices. And after that, the price will still be high until supply and demand even out. A month after release is a good rule of thumb for the time it takes for prices to become mostly stable. But you don't have to wait that long, just wait until the card falls to a price that you find reasonable to pay.
unless you need it for regionals/league cup/other big tournament wait for the price to settle which is usually 2 weeks after release.