XY Is it Worth Buying a 3DS System for Pokémon X & Y?

I'd say get it cos it is great fun. I bought mine mainly for main series Pokemon but I play other games, such as Lego City, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Animal Crossing. Having said that I have only touched Pokemon games since I have had Y :)

I understand you have a busy life so the game will probably give you a lot of longevity, unlike people who have more time to play it and complete the league quickly.
If you are looking to get X/Y but don't want the 3DS buy a 2DS which is half the price but they don't fold up and you can't carry them well. because of that. However the 3DS has a better viewing opportunity if you have the XL like I have XD. It is easier to see.:)
Honestly, if you're going to play it for Pokemon: Keep the game, there is no reason for you to buy it, play through it, and toss it soon after. RPGs may not be your thing if this is your situation.

If you want to keep it around: Go for the cheaper alternatives mentioned

If you're going to sell the game after: Don't even bother, that's not how Pokemon works.