Is Lost Remover underhyped?

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Magikarp Lord
Lost Remover has always been a good card for me. Decks that are reliant on DCE tend to fail with lost remover. What do you think of it?
Yes. It is also good against tank decks.

The problem is they can also be dead draws.
For some reason, it never seems to work for me. Not enough decks are reliant on sp energy to make it worthwhile, I've found.
lost remover would only be good for certain pokemon that utilize DCE.
such as bouffalant's revenge attack

not enough pokemon that rely on dce in play though, thus lost remover doesnt see much play
^True, but we must also consider Rescues and other special energies needed for decks to be used to their maximum potential.
You could always use them as discard bait with junk arm against decks that don't use them. It is a good card that will surprise your opponent because not many people play it.
When the card first came out I was expecting to see it see maximum amount of play due to SP's and Luxchomp running wild. Yes Luxchomp that deck that almost relied completely on Special energies. But somehow this card just kinda died off, I saw it used once in a tournament and that was Ohio States. I ran sablelock and had my Special Dark lost removed. I want to run this card badly, but when building a deck for maximum efficiency its kinda hard to find the room to include it.
Lost remover is an amazing card. Its disruption potential is astounding. Not only is it good at taking out DCEs, but can also take out special darkness/metal energy in a way even steelix can't recover. But most importantly in my eyes, it gets rid of rescue energy. This saved my butt multiple times at battle roads. Should it go in every deck? No. Are there some games when you can't use it? Yes, as with any tech. Are there decks it should go in? Yes, any deck with a disruption leaning should run it. Its worth the 1-2 deck spots to see your opponent cringe when you cripple their tank.
Ya. Rescue Energy's the reason to run it. I lost a Nats game because my last Yanmega was Lost Remover'd then ko'd.
this format has so much hype surrounding pokemon that abuse DCE that this card is very hard to overlook in my eyes. not to mention ynmegas swarming with rescue energies. soon, i am going to make a ambipom/weavile deck with this just to waste a few more of my opponent's cards
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