Is luxray needed in Gyarados?

Luxray tech isnt good in any deck because it can be powered sprayed and it can be sent to the lost zone and it can be shuffled back in to there deck with judge or lookers investgation. I would just have pokemon reversal and have junk arm in a deck instead of luxray gl x.
Uhh... Luxray is good in many, maybe even most, decks. Power Spray can be a problem, but it's a problem for almost every deck. Any Pokémon can be sent to the Lost Zone, Judged, or Looker'sed (wow that sounds weird). Reversal is flippy, and if you get tails, it's not great to have to discard 2 cards just to get it back.
Back then, Luxray was best used in Gyarados for KO'ing Claydol and playing around double Mime. Both of those are gone now, so the only real use for Luxray is for cheap KO's or Vileplume. I can see Luxray in a Vilegar meta, but other than that, I guess it's not really needed.
i dunno, but to me, it seems dialga g is a better choice to fight vilegar with

but i just built the deck and havent had a chance to test either, so i could be wrong
Blissey Prime/Regice/Seeker/Combee/Rescue Energy is the best you can use to fight gengar while still aiding other matchups. You get rid of your trainers with regice, if they snipe regice, you're able to heal it through seeker or blissey, if they are able to damage gyarados, you can heal it through the same methods. Combee is so you're able to take Fainting Spell head on and not really worry about not having the recovery.
Darn. When countered, a 1-1 tech of a card sure sounds like a waste of space.

Without the Blissey, most Gyarados look like that. Warp Energy uses your extra Seeker, too, and you can almost control their bench with it if they don't play a lot of basics in their deck.

I don't think Luxray is needed, it's just heavily preferred. Luxray is nice as it doesn't take up the space, or make the deck inconsistant, you just need a 1-1 or 2-1 line with some PokeTurns (which you should already be running for Crobat G anyways.) Luxray can win you games, and it's more consistant than Pokemon Reversal is. However, if you can't get a Luxray, it isn't needed at all. You could easily run Pokémon Reversals, extra Warp/Cyclone/Rescue energies, or extra supporters, like Bebe's, or Seeker in it's place.