Is P!P Going to Break Sableye?


3nd coming

We all know why this card is good, if you don't, I recommend watching this.

So now that we're all caught up, discuss whether or not you think P!P is going to break this card, issue an errata on it, or limit the amount you can use it in your deck.

I don't know if they will, but they had better do one of the three by Nationals, or I may have to flip some tables. I'm against the format it would create.

Sorry if this thread already exists, I didn't see it anywhere.
Sneasel broke the game, and they banned it. Slowking broke the game (despite being a typo), and they banned it. Sableye, once it gets to the 25th, breaking the game?

That said, was it another company than POP which originally regulated the older sets (when WotC had rights for it)? There's nothing stopping them from banning him. I think the best option might be just to play Tyranitar with 4 spiritomb and 4 of your own sableye if they don't ban it.
I don't think they will ban it...yet. They knew very well what they were doing when they made this card, and they'll lose it sometme soon. They'll probably wait until 1st September for the rotation and we'll lose it then. (After that, I can complete SF really cheaply!)
I hope they ban it. Or not allow T1 knockouts. Maybe even take away his body. I'd like any of those.
^ Agreed. This will break the format, thus causing much anger in Nats and Worlds. I'm not going to either but the point is still made.
Well, I looked another video on youtube, and frankly (if P!P doesn't ban Sableye) all we can do is:
- Use Sableye as starter (so Overeager is nulled)
- Use Spiritomb (to Trainer Lock)

IMO, Sableye will be banned at April 25th. If they banned Sneasel and Slowking, they will ban this one too. It's true that Sableye will be gone in September so if they don't ban it we won't have too much time to suffer. I also think that the price of this card will raise. A lot. Not only for Sabledonk users, but for counter this deck too.
an explanation as to why it will break the game please? and what is P!P ? play pokemon?
EDIT: sorry i thought your link was as to why he is good currently not as to why he will be super bad. but now i understand
ya sabledonk will be unstoppable on the 25th. actually any donk deck will be unstoppable on the 25th
They're not going to ban sableye. POP/P!P doesn't ban cards anymore. Who cares If sableye dominates? Its getting retired in a few months anyway.
Ummm... I care, any competitive Pokemon player cares, because in those couple of month, are Nationals and Worlds. Also the rotation isn't confirmed.
I care. I don't want to work a long time to make andeck to go 0-X because of donks. And though it's unlikely, there could be no rotation.
Donks in general should be illegal plays. It would allow more players to show their true potential if they were illegal. I don't even think donks are fair, it's not right that someone should lose a game that was beyond their control and never had a chance to make a move. Donks are just cheap lucky shots, and you don't deserve to win if that's how you're going to play the game.

I say, no more first turn knockouts.
This card does need to be fixed, somehow. If you aren't running Sableye at Nats, you have a slim chance of winning. The only defense against it is 'Tomb, and you better start with at least two. People say that you can counter just by playing Sableye yourself, but then the game literally cames down to the opening coin flip.
Sableye with Black and WHite rules is the defintion of a format-breaking card, and something needs to change before Nats.
amisheskimoninja said:
They're not going to ban sableye. POP/P!P doesn't ban cards anymore. Who cares If sableye dominates? Its getting retired in a few months anyway.

P!P is part of TPCi, right? Well they ban Pokemon for the video games, this is no different.
Its pretty messed up stuff. Properly built, you'd have to start with 3 high HP pokemon or 4 pokemon to sirvive 70% of the time.

I have a crazy counter concept idea, but I have to play test it.
Waspy said:
amisheskimoninja said:
They're not going to ban sableye. POP/P!P doesn't ban cards anymore. Who cares If sableye dominates? Its getting retired in a few months anyway.

P!P is part of TPCi, right? Well they ban Pokemon for the video games, this is no different.

But you don't pay for video game pokemon. So it doesn't cost you anything if they ban one.
P!P hasn't printed any Stormfront product in quite a while; they have no financial loss to take from banning or rotating Sableye out of the format. Any Stormfront stuff has already been sold to distributors and retailers. They really have no reason NOT to get their heads out of their rumps and fire off a mid-season rotation.

A ban isn't going to fix it. It's going to simply cause Uxiedonk to be the random win button deck. Less consistent? Yes. Still a very negative impact on the game? Definitely - nobody wants to automatically lose a game by complete chance. It's going to happen no matter what because of the game's design, but the chances should at least be pretty slim.
^This is a good point. They won't lose money, so they will PROBABLY do it.

I'm too lazy to reply to all of this. I never expected this thread to be so active.