Hello,so as the title asks,is Passimian/Mew a threat?
I'm not speaking for all passimian players out there,but I want to ask,in your area,locals,tournaments,how does Passimian fair for you?
I really think it is an under estimated deck,and has no real bad match up's outside Garbodor( the deck is an item dumpster),and hit's hard and fast,with a great prize exchange.
Since Sun/Moon has come out,I play Passimian/Mew,and tend to go X-1,sometimes X-0!
My locals is very competitive btw,We host ARG's all the time,and the locals is always meta.
Yesterday,for July 4th,my locals had a small tournament to celebrate,and I went X-1 in a 4 round 1 game tourny.(only 12 showed up sadly),my Match ups were(and outcome):
Decidueye (lost)
Metagross GX(won)
Lycanroc GX M form/Drampa GX (won)
Garbodor/EspeonGX (won)
I won't explain the matches,or give a decklist(I'm missing a Lele and Shaymin bc they havent come in and my locals ran out,we had only 2 lele that were pulled out of 20+ players,but feel free for pm to get the list)
Honestly I had NO bad match-up,despite being an item dumpster for Garb/EspeonGx on top of weakness,reason being Pass has enough HP to take a psybeam,and I can ko with mew easily anything in that deck in one turn,revive if Ko'd,and keep swinging,prize exchange in my favor.
If anything I've learned playing,DROP bursting Balloon,I constantly see people using it,but with field blower around,and all the other moves that can bypass it by searching or something,it is useless 90% of the time.I'll give to better tools:Choice Band,or FF belt(my prefered).So a lot of pokemon,especially GX,with HP above 220,take 3 hits,and thats not good unless you get a kukui,it's not good,thats why I partially lost to D-GX in round 1.You always want that extra 10-30 damage.Choice band I get,but for match ups where GX or EX are not present,it is bad.F.F Belt is sooo much better imo,not only does it mean I can take 2 hits from psybeam(EspeonGX) before the 3 knocks my passimian out,or anything else for a first hit early game,mid game,but it saves Mew from being ohko's over half the time,and gives that extra damage,to make that team play 140 damage or 110 with the average dmg,which helps those knock outs so much better!
things do recommend trying
lay 2 special charge,with all the energy denial going around,it helps,especially if you have to ditch one early on with a bad hand,which happens a lot.Don't be afraid to retreat!passimian is thoe heart to the deck,without it being alive,you lose obviously(play discard recovery too). And nly play Passimian if you are hitting weakness,or thats all you got,Mew should be the main attacker despite the low health because you get the most out of it.
First post on this site btw,bounce between class and work,but hope this helps Passimian players,or makes you think about the deck and it's standing,as a great player,I think it can top an event if piloted right.
I'm not speaking for all passimian players out there,but I want to ask,in your area,locals,tournaments,how does Passimian fair for you?
I really think it is an under estimated deck,and has no real bad match up's outside Garbodor( the deck is an item dumpster),and hit's hard and fast,with a great prize exchange.
Since Sun/Moon has come out,I play Passimian/Mew,and tend to go X-1,sometimes X-0!
My locals is very competitive btw,We host ARG's all the time,and the locals is always meta.
Yesterday,for July 4th,my locals had a small tournament to celebrate,and I went X-1 in a 4 round 1 game tourny.(only 12 showed up sadly),my Match ups were(and outcome):
Decidueye (lost)
Metagross GX(won)
Lycanroc GX M form/Drampa GX (won)
Garbodor/EspeonGX (won)
I won't explain the matches,or give a decklist(I'm missing a Lele and Shaymin bc they havent come in and my locals ran out,we had only 2 lele that were pulled out of 20+ players,but feel free for pm to get the list)
Honestly I had NO bad match-up,despite being an item dumpster for Garb/EspeonGx on top of weakness,reason being Pass has enough HP to take a psybeam,and I can ko with mew easily anything in that deck in one turn,revive if Ko'd,and keep swinging,prize exchange in my favor.
If anything I've learned playing,DROP bursting Balloon,I constantly see people using it,but with field blower around,and all the other moves that can bypass it by searching or something,it is useless 90% of the time.I'll give to better tools:Choice Band,or FF belt(my prefered).So a lot of pokemon,especially GX,with HP above 220,take 3 hits,and thats not good unless you get a kukui,it's not good,thats why I partially lost to D-GX in round 1.You always want that extra 10-30 damage.Choice band I get,but for match ups where GX or EX are not present,it is bad.F.F Belt is sooo much better imo,not only does it mean I can take 2 hits from psybeam(EspeonGX) before the 3 knocks my passimian out,or anything else for a first hit early game,mid game,but it saves Mew from being ohko's over half the time,and gives that extra damage,to make that team play 140 damage or 110 with the average dmg,which helps those knock outs so much better!
things do recommend trying
First post on this site btw,bounce between class and work,but hope this helps Passimian players,or makes you think about the deck and it's standing,as a great player,I think it can top an event if piloted right.