I play the TCG with several other players (6 total, including myself) in Sacramento, CA. 3 of us (including myself) used to be a part of a league at a Toy's 'R' Us, where there were many other players. They eventually moved us from a nice spot in the store with ropes surrounding tables to a small, cramped storage room. After that, they did away with us. We eventually moved to a collector's store, where we stayed for several years.
Soon afterwards, our attendence dropped to as low as 5-6 people (just us alone), so we ditched the league points system and badge book in favor of free play. After a while, we started hosting official tournaments. We even got a City Championship. However, the mall with the collector's store is being demolished in favor of a Wal*Mart supercenter, and we now have no league, since the collector's store moved out of town. We are still willing to schedule tournaments there, just no league.
We are now meeting at random locations (Del Taco, Starbucks, etc) since we don't have a league and have been largely unsucessful at getting a league since most collector's stores are occupied by Yu-Gi-Oh! people. People ocasionally ask what we are doing. Most of the time when we tell them, we end up getting harassed. I could care less, since they have no life (I doubt many of them ever even tried Pokémon...). We recently got kicked out of Del Taco, so we are now meeting at one of our member's houses.
Overall, our situation has turned quite pitiful. But we still play the TCG, and we still compete in tournaments and greatly enjoy ourselves.