Pokemon Is pokemon being fair on Europe fans?


Aspiring Trainer
I can understand that there may be a delay from bringing pokemon products from america to here as it is less popular. However, we do not get the chance to get event pokemon fairly as most events are held in america. Sometimes we get lucky as there are still some pre-releases going on and stuff. It also seems that we wont have the d/p set by worlds, whilst everybody else will be allowed to use it. I was also a bit jealous of the new tins, though we got some nice holos of POP ex cards. But is it really fair for us? Ok, so we got the figure game boosters (I heard USA did not get these?). But I just wish that they would take European fans more seriously. WE STILL EXIST!
For the Americans who don't know what we're about:

- Diamond/Pearl DS releases in July here
- DP TCG releases in August here
- Events? Yeahright

What has Europe done to deserve this?
Mabye its tougher translateing all the stuff into all the european languages:

French,Spanish,Portugeuse, German etc.

i guess Great Britain is the only lucky one, as it it also another country with English as it's main language.

For USA Britain all nintendo has to do is just translate in to english, but it then get even thougher for all the other languages...
Alot of the language has to be translated to fit the society though. The United States is much different from Great Britain. I know Europe is getting the rough end of all this, but the United States doesn't have it much easier. We have to go across the country to San Fransico, Dallas, or New York just to get events. And if you've ever been to America, that's both expensive and time-consuming.
I don't think they translate American english into our standard english all the time. So in England our merchandise is practically the same anyway. I see what you mean about translating into other european languages. It is not really worth catching a plane over to America just for an event.
Another advantage America has is that you get a lot of things cheaper.
Only non-english cards go to:

- Germany
- Italy
- France
- Spain/Portugal

The rest of the countries play perfectly fine with the American cards.
I'm not European, so I probably don't understand.

But I wonder why you don't pre-order the DS games? I don't think it'd cost that much more money, and you get it around the same time as America got theirs (that's what c-m said anyways, as he did it).


Arcanine out.
yes but do u know how much it cost to send europe it cost about £20 just to the UK thats about $40
Hey you're lucky DP on DS is coming out there as soon as it is. There are many other games that don't come out in Europe for more than a year. Nintendo is be fairly quick getting it over there considering that other people have to wait much much longer for other games.
I live in Australia...like Eroupe why does also Australia miss out on stuff.
But we we're the 1st people to have the TFG's...but one of the last to have D/P both on DS & TCG.
I live in ireland (which is in europe) and nothing pokemon related comes here at all, no one likes pokemon over here and i'm tired of not getting any event pokemon:( Me and dbzking are the only people where we live to like pokemon:( POKEMON EVENTS COME TO IRELAND!!!
yeah... Why not in the Philippines? Its pretty unfair. I dont play any pokemon game but some other gaming fans here deserve to have event pokemon! :D And to think that Pokemon is very famous here >.<
Arcy, don't you think I'd prefer walking into my local store on the release date and just take pearl and buy it, instead of having to wait a weak until the game finally arrives from America or having to wait so many months till it finally gets here while all you Americans are already looking forward to the next game (or already have it)?

ALL Pokémon merchandise which finds its way to Europe is IDENTICAL to America's, there's no reason why they can't directly ship it to Europe. For the DS games only the boxes and play guides are different, and that's just a minor translation which can't really take longer than a day. And the fact is, they don't even make the boxes and books in America or Japan, the games come form japan, the boxes are made in Germany. Producing the games might take a long time, but still, it's not like they have to make billions of games only for the few European countries that get the English games, it's like making games for another American state, that can't be that much trouble. Ok, it might be unfair towards French, Germany and stuff, but they could at least try to read English, I mean, Belgium and the Netherlands don't get a Dutch game... And the french are always one TCG set behind anyways, why would they start caring now anyways.

It's not just that we have to wait:
Pokémoncenter.com won't ship to anywhere not-American last time I checked, I have to buy from people who bought it on Pokémoncenter.com before I can actually get them.
Other language ranger games (and UK English too maybe, I don't know) have a different password.
Where they usually release the new TCG sets at the same date as America, they now have to wait just because pearl is yet to be released here.
Because of the Wii region lock we won't be able to buy SSBB, PBR and other Pokémon-related games off ebay. And they probably won't come out here until months, to even a year after America gets them.

This all would be logical if the games had a different language, but England, Belgium and Netherlands get almost identically the same game as Europe, but with some stuff changed, which usually means we get a worse version of the game... (although I think the European ranger had a new mission, and be honest, Link>trozei)

The last event we Belgians got was an unannounced Deoxys event, nobody actually knew about it, but there was this guy with a gameboy at a Pokémon stand in a games fair handing out aurora tickets, if I'd had known that I would have brought my Pokémon game .
This where America gets JAA, Worlds, Toys 'R us mew event, ranger password, ... the list goes on :S
not to forget, that you got 10th year Aniversary Last Year, Except 1 'amusement Park' we have it this Year. You got to get 20 Pokémon, we had to choose 3 out of 10.

Sure, we can Buy DP and Stuff at Stores that Import them, but they Cost Mostly €44,95 (Emerald, Ranger and DP did). Then a Half Year Later, when they come to Dutch, there not even 40 Euro. That Makes our Parents a Little Mad (Atleast, if your like, 12 Years old). And we can't get the Stars for our Purchase, as Nintendo Europe doesn't allow Nintendo USA Code Thingey's. We prolly also Get MD2 like, atleast 6 month's later.

you already had your DP Pre-release, while almost nobody in Dutch Knows what DP is. You also got the DP Pre-cards with a Tin, while we have to do it with Stupid POP Ex (already Mentioned)

Your already 2 Movies Ahead on us, and not to forget. The Worst part is that you can watch them in the Theatre, that Stopped when th 3rd Movie came to Dutch. We just Get them on Video or DVD

[sarcasm]Is it Because were Dutch and thus non-American?[/sarcasm]. lol
I think they stopped showing the movies in the cinema after the second one here. As for the DVD's some of them I had trouble finding ones that play in region 2 (obviously we are unable to play region 1 here) or has to be region free.
The postage keeps going up. Sometimes the postage can be over half of the price of the merchandise itself.
I'd anderstand it if theyd translate the games to finnish... but they don't. Be play them in english. Same for the TCG.

Why can't they do it like this? Send the video games and TCG sets to countrys that won't be getting their own language translation, the same time as they get them in US. Or even to all countrys in europe. And if the countrys getting their own translation want to wait, then let them wait. Why does every other country have to wait because of them too?!?!

And I'm 25 years old and don't have credit card (which is accential in buying stuff from other countrys). So I have no means of getting the game from america, unless some really nice person I know that has a credit card orders it for me. And then I have to explain why I want it ans if it's safe and find a respectable net store that first of all IS WILLING TO SEND TO EUROPE. That is BTW really rare :/
Hah! Even some who live in America don't get many benefits as well...

I live near Little Rock, Arkansas, which is a city with around 800,000 people as its population. You see bigger cities like Cleveland, New York, and Los Angeles getting all the real stuff (this is mostly TCG, though). I mean look at it, Ohio is having Nationals hosted there. It's pretty prestigious, and people like me can't go there for it's such a long drive and the gas prices are terribly high. In fact, I don't think any place in Arkansas hosts TCG tournies.

Although my theory that Americans spend more money on Pokemon (both TCG and Pokemon games) will probably infuriate most of you Europeans, it's the most likely reason why America gets most of those events.

It could also be that the events are chosen in populated areas, as that's where the most Pokemon players reside and that's where they'll make the most money.

It's just my two cents.

Shawn out.