Something must be done to either raise the debt ceiling or to prevent financial catastrophe and soon, the deadline is on Aug. 2 and it seems as though some of the Republicans calling the shots on this issue are wagering the financial welfare of evey American in the country when all politicians need to put politics aside and get this done ASAP not for their own benefits but for the country itself cause the consequences are dire and dangerous.
Unemployment is still at 9.2%, The Obama Administration has failed to lead this country by scaring the markets, not even helping create more jobs, make budget plans, among other issues. I don't get why some politicans negotiating over this crisis think this is a game when it's not. The Government needs to wake up and understand what's going on, I'm just getting tired of politicians wagering the financial welfare of every citizen in the U.S. just to satisfy their own interests, needs, and financial welfare.
Unemployment is still at 9.2%, The Obama Administration has failed to lead this country by scaring the markets, not even helping create more jobs, make budget plans, among other issues. I don't get why some politicans negotiating over this crisis think this is a game when it's not. The Government needs to wake up and understand what's going on, I'm just getting tired of politicians wagering the financial welfare of every citizen in the U.S. just to satisfy their own interests, needs, and financial welfare.