Is This Ridculous or What?


Jukebox Hero
I live in the state of Virginia, and not long ago our state government passed a law banning dancing in any bar or club that did not have a "Night Club License." I couldn't believe our government could be this stupid. In this time of economic crisis they have just made a law that is driving away lots patrons from these types of establishments. If you don't understand why I'll explain. These business' often have live music, and people will come when they just want to unwind and have a little fun after a stressful day or week. When people aren't allowed to dance that can take away a lot from this experience. While it may not seem like that big a deal, some business' have reported a 50% drop in customers, and say that if this continues they may have to close they're doors very soon. For all those who do not already know a "Night Club License" is given to establishments with live music, alcohol, and if I recall correctly you must be 18 or older to enter a night club.

Do you have any laws like this where you live?

What is your opinion on this laws, and laws like it.
I don't dance, so this dosen't effect me. It is stupid though. Better than the junk we have to put up with in MD... We have so many idiots in office it could be considered a circus. >_>
Wow the government is taking away things little by little and coming up with taxes for anything or raising taxes. Before you know it the US will be controlling whether you sleep or not *being sarcastic*.
Wow! That law feaking sux! I mean, the government doesnt give a damn to the happiness of their people! I think this should be protested against or something! :mad:
That's just plain controlling.

Not surprising, though, seeing the man we have in office right now.
This isn't the last you'll see of the control of the left; Mark my words! This will just get out of hand!
New York.
Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”.
It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun.
The penalty for jumping off a building is death.
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.
A man can’t go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
Ice cream may not be eaten while standing on the sidewalk.
Raw hamburger may not be sold.

^ Does that mean that one can walk around on a Saturday with an ice cream come in his/her pocket?
Prof. Shinx said:
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.

There's a law in Kentucky like that. Because in the old days people would put ice cream cones in their back pocket and horses would follow them home or something. (That's what I was told, anyways) People were stealing horses I guess. But still, a funny law. Dunno why it says Sunday, though.

Oh yeah, and banning dancing anywhere is silly.
I think I have one to top this.

Our wonderful smart mayor *sarcasm* wants to, and actually thinks she can extend her term for another year.

For anyone who dosn't know, thats not actually legal. :p
I think it would be very good here. Since teens that have 15 years get drunk and other stuff. So, I don't see the bad point.
infmach said:
I think it would be very good here. Since teens that have 15 years get drunk and other stuff. So, I don't see the bad point.

The bad point, which it seems like everybody has missed, is that it's driving customers, and drastically hurting business. Bar owners have reported cuts in business up to 50%
I can only assume that this was done for health and safety reasons... but yes, rather odd nonetheless.

However, is it really that difficult for them to simply get the night club license?
I don't see a problem. If you're a baby, why would you want to be in a night club anyway? They're supposed to be for adults, and I don't see why a license deters business. You need to constantly renew driving licenses, so this shouldn't matter. >___>

dmaster out.
Yeah, it really just has to do with the alchohol. Even though they have to get a license to have a club, it still doesn't stop the drinking, but reduces it drastically. It would be nice if we had it here in kentucky, you know how we are. :)
There are stupid laws everywhere. They probably only make sense to the politician that introduced them.