I'm pretty sure with early stuff, it's basically anything that's 1st edition and less so Shadowless with Base Set, or high-demand foils like Zard that are in good condition, even in Unlimited. 1st editions in later sets like Jungle or Rocket were much easier to come across, though their foils are still decently pricey. Not too sure about Gym and Neo though, I haven't collected enough of it to be an "expert" on it.I think usually the only old cards that are worth anything are the ones that are 1st edition and good condition, but I'm no expert. Might want to let others weigh in.
There's a few real ones in there (from what I can tell), but there's definitely a lot of fakes too-anything that has a weird font or a wrong border or just wrong info/text is fake.Tnx everyone for replies.
I assumed that some of the cards were fake.
But I can’t believe that all of them are fake?!
That can not be true, or else I bought fakes at official stores
However, thank you all!
Wait,does really exists a Trainer Card called Shellder?