P!P/Rules Is TPCi Phasing Out Burn Status Condition?

@tototavros Thanks for letting me know about the damage reduction; if that were implemented it would make sense to keep the separate but... can the game handle anymore complexity? My experience the last several years is a resounding "no" as the game keeps shifting to a faster and faster pace... and Pokémon has always been a "fast paced" game in general.
I'd like to see burn changed to still flipping a coin but dealing only 10 damage but also reducing the damage dealt by the burned pokemon by 10 (regardless of the flip between turns).
I'd like to see burn changed to still flipping a coin but dealing only 10 damage but also reducing the damage dealt by the burned pokemon by 10 (regardless of the flip between turns).
I personally don't see any point with reducing damage done in between turns, particularly as the damage output + random factor doesn't really make it ideal to use like ever.

If I was competent the designers were in a good place to experiment with right now (and again, I'm convinced they most definitely are not), then the best approach would be... to standardize a lot of the various attack effects with their own proper names, like the "keywords" used in other TCGs. Not all the video game effects though; just shoot for the "irreducible" ones.

Then maybe redo "Burn" or else if we got a good term to reference doing less damage, then just start having fire Types inflict that plus Poison (and again, possible renaming Poison to something more generic). Not sure which would ultimately prove "simpler".