Is unkown flash the next uxie?


Aspiring Trainer
Ive been test playing with unkown flash and its good. You can get unkown flash with pokemon collector just like you can get uxie with pokemon collector of course. I know its not as good as uxie.
Um, this doesn't even come close to Uxie. Why? It doesn't have Set Up.

I think Slowking Prime and Slowking HGSS could combine to get close to Uxie X's Power. Just putting something out there.
...not anywhere near Uxie. It doesn't give drawpower, but only rearranges top cards, so it's not nearly as good. While it's not bad, I'm sure you can find better uses for an extra space in your deck.
Well like when i was test playing i put unkown flash down i looked at my top five cards i said oh yea i could really use this card as my next card i draw' so it was good.
you can just use research records or pokedex

save your pokemon space for more usefull stuff.
if you start with an unown flash, then it kinda sucks
I know but this also helps out when you use pokemon collector. And you can play seeker and use unkown flash once again.
slowking HGSS is better IMO, takes up 1 more pokemon space (basic and stage 1) and lets you do it every turn without wasting seeker / scoop and you can also use it on your opponents topdecks to screw him over, as well as using it to set yourself up for a better draw (well the best possible draw out of the top 3 cards)
Well its easy to get out unkown flash out and slow king is harder to get out. And unkwon flash takes up less room in your deck' unkown flash is just a lot more logical and quiker to get out than slow king.

have gooder grammer please. - pMj
Ok first off, Unown Flash is just the same version of a bad trainer, and it gives you absolutely 0 draw, the fact you are comparing it to our fallen comrade Uxie, is like Poketreason. Second, you linked to a scan on Serebii. Ok aside from that let me tell you what I think of the card.

The fact that it can be sought out by Collector is a plus, but its overall effect is kinda meh, you only get to use it once, and it has a bad attack. Reordering cards on the top of your deck isn't important, because you are going to be playing Trainers/Supporters (hopefully...), Slowking HGSS is much better. Also Research Record is just a better version of this card and a trainer as opposed to a wasted bench space.
thepliskin5005 said:
Well its easy to get out unkown flash out and slow king is harder to get out. And unkwon flash takes up less room in your deck' unkown flash is just a lot more logical and quiker to get out than slow king.
It takes less time to get out a Hitmonlee CoL than a Luxray Lv.X, doesn't mean it is better. Slowking is easily worth the extra card space, because it will be useful every turn.
no one is going to stop you from playing it. we just dont see the good in it. it takes up a valuable bench space, wastes a seeker or ssu if you want to replay it, and its pretty useless if you start with it. i personally am not a fan would rather play slowking as its re-usable and gives the option to mess with my opponent.
Nowhere near Uxie. Uxie was actually a good card and helps burn the deck. Unown FLASH doesnt even come close to the benefits that uxie does.
Knowing what you will draw into isn't nearly as good as drawing into it. It provides the deck with no speed boost until the next turn, in which you risk your opponent setting up and getting the prize lead. On top of that, Uxie had an attack, a Lv.X stage, and better Weaknesses/HP. All in all, Unown doesn't replace Uxie in the slightest.