I like it. While it wont block effects like shadow stitching, it is still pretty nasty for Decidueye decks. You have been talking about this gap for a while now. Seems like a good step. Seems like the final step is to combine Bronzong and this Machoke into a stage 2 that blocks everything from affecting the bench. TBH, I am not sure I like the implications of that combination.
Would love your thoughts on that bit of speculation.
Combining the effects of
Bronzong and
Machoke into a final, Stage 2 form might actually be a step
backward. Think about it... are they likely to give such a Stage 2 a good attack? Nope. We're back to that "Great effect, but no way can I afford a Stage 2 Bench-sitter just to protect the rest of my Bench." dilemma that has plagued Stage 2 Pokémon since the game began.
Machamp is better than I expect, or we get
another Machamp that is worth running, this
does help with the whole "Evolving Pokémon are more than filler." design approach I've been advocating. I could see
full Bench protection spread throughout an
entire Stage 2 line... well that actually isn't too impressive. So spread throughout an entire line that has worthwhile
attacks as well. That way, you stagger your
Machamp to get up to three
different, worthwhile, effects while on your Bench. I'd say more, but we are getting into Create-A-Card territory, which calls for its own thread.