Oh god, a DCE FA Gold Card. Place your bets on what will be more expensive: The FA DCE or FA Ultra Ball?
As for the set itself, I'm glad to see that Sensu Oricorio made it into this set & not the next (it's a nice potential tech card for a deck I'm planning...), and am overall fairly pleased with the stuff in the set. Still think Leaf Blower should only have been 1 tool or stadium (or, you know, just make a new Xerosic...), that Aqua Patch
might end up being balanced post-rotation but is super dangerous right now, that Hala is a bit too powerful (and puts too much emphasis on using GX pokemon/attacks), that Tapu Lele should've had a worse attack to balance the powerful ability, that Sableye has the
potential to be absolutely game-breaking alongside Vileplume (though we'll have to see on that! and thankfully it only has 60 HP), that they
really shouldn't have printed a grass-type Phantump (ugh, turn one Trevs w/forest... If you want to make a card like forest, either balance your grass types around its existance or reprint Broken Time Space!), that Japan's "expansion" sets are hurting our sets a bit (yay for cards you can't use unless you get stuff from another set! Not. I hate when they do that - also hurts drafts a
lot, though thankfully it's only one card this set), and that Expanded will continue to be absolutely horrible.
And that's with me being super critical, cause I love the SM sets so much, otherwise.
Also, glad that Choice Band exists. I know some dislike it because it makes EX/GX vs EX/GX battles that much more about who gets the first OHKOs (or occasional 2HKO), but it
really helps non-EX/GXs stand up to those monstrosities, considering most non-EX/GXs can be easily one-shot by EX/GXs already, despite taking more work to set-up half the time.
Finally, yay for good-card-type-variety!