Copied directly from my post on this tpopic on Serebii-
My Predictions-
Ash's Team-
Pikachu- Given.
Mijumaru/Futachimaru/Daikenki- So far, it seems like the "main" Isshu starter for Ash. Most mascot Pokemon are small, which means Mijumaru, but as the main starter it's the most likely to evolve all the way, which means Daikenki.
Pokabu- Chaobuu and Emboar just don't really seem like Pokemon for Ash, and I'd rather not have an Infernape repeat.
Tsutaja/Janoby- My first reason is because if anyone gets Jaroda, I'm going to guess it will be Shooti, as Tsutaja is his starter. Yes, I know Ash and Paul both had Torterra. Just saying. Also, it just seems kind of weird if Ash had a snake(An actual snake, with no limbs) after fighting against Arbok and Seviper for years.
Kenhorou- Atleast one Pokemon should evolve all the way, and Ash's flying type always has.
Kojondo- I dunno, it just seems like a Pokemon Ash would use. By anime logic, it would be fairly speedy too.
Isshu Reserves-
At the rate we're going, there should be enough time for Ash too catch some reserves or Oak some Pokemon.
Moguryuu/Doryuzuu- Ash has had many ground types, and Moguryuu is, if yu ask me, a very Ash-like pokemon. Perhaps he uses it for the first half of Isshu, like Heracross. I'd imagine that if it does evolve, it would be during or near the league.
Wargle- No real reason. It would be cool though if Ash had a Wargle, which had a rivalry with a Barujina caught by Shooti. Maybe Ash Oaks Kenhorou and catches a Washibon.
Gible/Gabite- I don't know. I have no excuse. I just really want to see dragon v.s. dragon in the 8th Gym.
Kibago- There is no way Kibago is evolving.(Except maybe when Iris leaves, like with May's Blaziken) Although I would like to see a giant Mantis-Dragon lurking in a ten-year old's hair.
Stranger- Why, hello there little girl-
Onondo/Ononkuso-Misty has Staryu and Starmie, so why can't this happen. While I doubt Kibago will evolve, this could happen. In fact, Iris could have both. If for some reason Ash battles Iris, then she could catch Onondo during the series and have an Ononkuso at the Gym. I dunno, I just want to see frequent "ONONONONONKUSO" during the show.
Crimgan- Possibly a large, disobedient POkemon compared to a small starter, like Dawn's Mamoswine?
Hihidaruma or Darumakku- Monkey's and fire-types are both often seen as wild. Iris is a wild child. Eh, why not?
Yanappu- I don't think we'll be seeing the use of evolutionary stones anytime soon.
Yooterii/Haderia- Dento has a Yooterii in the games, so maybe he has one already, or catches one. Can't see it evolving all the way though.
Boappu and Hiiyappu- No reason. I just think it'd be cool if Dento caught the other two monkeys and had all three. Maye it has something to do with his brothers. I don't know.
Koromori/Kokoromori- Koromori evolves through friendship. If Team Rocket stays how they are now, it probably won't happen. If they go back to their old ways, it will.
Yuniran, Daburan, or Rankurusu- No idea. All I know is that nothing can ever replace Wobuffet. *Cries*
Nattorei- The Victreebel of Isshu, if they decide to have that in the "new" Team Rocket.
Dasutodasu- No idea, but it fits him.
Gochimu, Gochimiuru, or Gochiruzeru- The Chimecho/Mime Jr. of Isshu.
Jaroda- I think it's likely that Shooti's Tsutaja will evolve twice.
Pendoraa- Apparently he has a Fushide in BW009, so that will probably evolve.
Barjuina- See Wargle under Ash.
Zoroark- Fits him.
Sazando- Fits him. Then again, that's alot of dark types... maybe two of them are reserves?
Tsunbeaa- Fits him.
Gigiasu- Fits him.