It’s the BDIF For a Reason — Advanced Tips For Playing Charizard ex

This is insulting and hyperbolic, at best. To be honest, saying you're playing mirrors 90% of the time is closer to lying than to hyperbole because of how ridiculous it is.
You're responding to a comment from a month ago. Back in those heydays, the PTCGL ladder might have been close to nothing but Charizard ex.
You're responding to a comment from a month ago. Back in those heydays, the PTCGL ladder might have been close to nothing but Charizard ex.
It is BS.

We have factual data of online tournaments. There is no reason to believe the ladder was much different. Original poster was exaggerating trying to validate his point
This is all cool, but if Pokemon didn't require much skill then you couldn't see the same players topping every event (especially given the events have over a thousand players). The fact you do means that there's enough space for players skill to determine if they're good or bad, and if that can be achieved without making the game overly complex and painfully annoying to play and learn, then this is actually an example of a very well-designed game. So you may be right about the differences between YuGiOh and Pokemon (I wouldn't know), but your description makes me feel less interested in YuGiOh. Complexity in itself is not compelling, but if it's you're thing than cool.

This is an ignorant comment. Best players in pokemon don't do well every event.

There is a few that tend to do better than others, and it shows, so is partially true what you claim, but is also partially false. There are a bunch of different names topping; the most consistent players this season are Azul, Hedrick and Tord. The rest of them like Grant Shen had huge variance peaks from not even daying 2 or barely getting top 100 to a finals at equal rates.

Top players in ygo do better more consistently and pretty much the same people is always in the top cuts, which is evidence that variance can be controlled better with stuff like side decks which is a layer of complexity pokemon doesn't even have.

A dude won 3 straight events (regional equivalent) this season with the same deck. That level of consistency, isn't achievable in pokemon, but some insane pokemon players got quite close. Also, the player that played every YCS this season topped all but 1. That level of consistency isn't achievable in pokemon no matter how good you are, even if you are Tord or Azul which had plenty of misses this season.

Yugioh has incredibly skill intensive turns, amd they are long turns, but there is less of them with no need to worry about the late game as it happens at the same time as the mid game. The only legit reason to say pokemon is a more skillful game is that in pokemon you have to play perfect 5-6 turns and you need a strategy for the late game and in ygo 2, and that is a legit argument.

But i never read anyone making that level of arguments, just BS where they take stuff personal and give opinions, instead of trying to build an actual conversation.

Pokemon's deckbuilding is laughable for example, you don't even need an hypergeometric calculator for top tier gameplay and in MTG and YGO is a necessity. If you ask anyone when is correct to play trekking shoes, they will give you incorrect answers pretty much always.

All deckbuilding conversations in pokemon are circles about how many cards that move your strategy and wincon forward can be cut to play non synergistic cards that counteract your bad MU's. That is just basic risk vs reward. The card pool is also laughably small compared to ygo.

If you have ever read next level deckbuilding, you would already know that pokemon is years behind in deckbuilding theories and most of it has to do with lack of side decks.
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This is an ignorant comment. Best players in pokemon don't do well every event.

There is a few that tend to do better than others, and it shows, so is partially true what you claim, but is also partially false. There are a bunch of different names topping; the most consistent players this season are Azul, Hedrick and Tord. The rest of them like Grant Shen had huge variance peaks from not even daying 2 or barely getting top 100 to a finals at equal rates.

Top players in ygo do better more consistently and pretty much the same people is always in the top cuts, which is evidence that variance can be controlled better with stuff like side decks which is a layer of complexity pokemon doesn't even have.

A dude won 3 straight events (regional equivalent) this season with the same deck. That level of consistency, isn't achievable in pokemon, but some insane pokemon players got quite close. Also, the player that played every YCS this season topped all but 1. That level of consistency isn't achievable in pokemon no matter how good you are, even if you are Tord or Azul which had plenty of misses this season.

Yugioh has incredibly skill intensive turns, amd they are long turns, but there is less of them with no need to worry about the late game as it happens at the same time as the mid game. The only legit reason to say pokemon is a more skillful game is that in pokemon you have to play perfect 5-6 turns and you need a strategy for the late game and in ygo 2, and that is a legit argument.

But i never read anyone making that level of arguments, just BS where they take stuff personal and give opinions, instead of trying to build an actual conversation.

Pokemon's deckbuilding is laughable for example, you don't even need an hypergeometric calculator for top tier gameplay and in MTG and YGO is a necessity. If you ask anyone when is correct to play trekking shoes, they will give you incorrect answers pretty much always.

All deckbuilding conversations in pokemon are circles about how many cards that move your strategy and wincon forward can be cut to play non synergistic cards that counteract your bad MU's. That is just basic risk vs reward. The card pool is also laughably small compared to ygo.

If you have ever read next level deckbuilding, you would already know that pokemon is years behind in deckbuilding theories and most of it has to do with lack of side decks.
I never said Pokemon requires more skill than Yu-Gi-Oh, I don't know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh. My point was that Pokemon requires enough skill for it to be taken seriously as a competitive game. If you prefer more complex games that require a higher level of skill, that's totally cool. But Pokemon is in a perfectly fine spot and it's level of complexity is satisfying for a lot of people.