Best Decks In Format: This is a weird one to answer because rotation is happening very soon so this changes in a few weeks. People will generally agree that as of right now, Dragapult V Max is BDIF since it has the HP and ability to spread onto every matchup for perfect math to win. Other than Pult, here are some other decks that are meta at the moment:
- Pikachu & Zekrom Tag Team
- Zacian variants (Turbo Zacian/Combo Zacian, ADP Zacian, Lucario Melmetal Zacian)
- Baby Blacephalon
- Spiritomb
- Cinccino Control/Mill
There are a lot of other decks, but these are the most meta. The era you stopped playing was the Night March era correct? A few things have changed, but only one is a major rule change.
1. Going first you can no longer play a Supporter turn one.
2. A lot of cards are banned in expanded right now. From that era, notably Hex, Puzzle, Ghetsis and Forest.
3. Power Creep has gone insane.
There is a new iteration of Guzma/Lysandre, actually in the most recent set. Boss's Orders is a 1:1 reprint of Lysandre, but printed as a holo rare, it's harder to pull and thus more expensive. However it was released in a recent product that comes with a ton of newer staples and a code that gives you the same thing online. If you aren't in a hurry to get cards irl during a time where there's no events you could just buy the code for it. (The product is called the Trainer's Toolkit) You can buy all of the individual singles for less than the box, but it might be more convenient to just get the box if you want the cards irl.
Also with the Charizard Lounge being shut down since you've been gone, Limitless TCG has filled the role for providing tournament results and releasing decklists. is the link if you're interested in seeing more recent online tournament results.
One last thing is that if you
do play online and still have all of your older cards, there's a pretty large online community for playing older formats that you can find by asking around. I'm a pretty active player, so if you have any more questions feel free to ask