Its coming,The end of so much

gallade01 said:
no we lose so many good cards after this rotation no no no no no non no no no no no no no no no!!

look on the bright side:

1. some n00bs will stand a slightly better chance now
2. this gives some overlooked cards a chance to shine
3. everyone except me will have to replace half of their deck :D

can't wait 'till early july/late june, that's when they announce one and for all, which sets are leaving...
I dont want to replace half of their deck i dont like noobs having a good chance of winning id get my ranking dropped
id like overlooked cards being played though
ok well this might sound kinda crazy but I think the people at pokemon are trying to change the format,now most of our cards are draw cards and I think there trying to make this game bast on luck a bit more. Also with DRE gone then G&G will be a bit harder to play so will Blissey with booster and scramble. I've made a deck that dosn't depend on special energy even if they are in my deck.
7Lucario7Master7 said:
ok well this might sound kinda crazy but I think the people at pokemon are trying to change the format,now most of our cards are draw cards and I think there trying to make this game bast on luck a bit more. Also with DRE gone then G&G will be a bit harder to play so will Blissey with booster and scramble. I've made a deck that dosn't depend on special energy even if they are in my deck.

I have a deck that won't be rotated (for the most part)... That deck does pretty well, but I haven't tried against G&G yet...

gallade01 said:
I don't want to replace half of their deck I don't like noobs having a good chance of winning id get my ranking dropped
id like overlooked cards being played though

umm... I meant best for everyone, It has at least one good thing for each person who plays, I forgot to mention the slower decks will make the current metagame weaker...
7Lucario7Master7 said:
My deck beats G&G and mostly all other decks I've played it angenst

my area doesn't have any G&G players.... I've beaten every deck I've faced with it tho... (except feraligatr)

but we're getting a bit off-topic...
7Lucario7Master7 said:
ok well this might sound kinda crazy but I think the people at pokemon are trying to change the format,now most of our cards are draw cards and I think there trying to make this game bast on luck a bit more. Also with DRE gone then G&G will be a bit harder to play so will Blissey with booster and scramble. I've made a deck that dosn't depend on special energy even if they are in my deck.

So how does it stand up to other decks? Banette will still be playable, Blissey will come back, Magmortar won't die because it's still got Thyplosion and Claydol, Empoleon will loose a bit of speed but still be a force to be reckoned with, Eeveelutions will become more playable, GG won't die, Infernape will still be kicking because of the MD Counterpart and DP5 (JP) has a lot to bring us yet, even if don't rely on special energies doesn't mean it's a decent deck.

I personally am looking to the format change (Well Rush and Group Rush's main lines will stay intact so i'm happy), DP5 will give us plenty of great cards and we'll finally since MT get a decent set of trainers in one set. I say bring on the change
7Lucario7Master7 said:
ya we need to get back to about the cards that will be taken out and what to do to replace them.

Why do we need to replace them? Because you want them to replace them, you loose resources, it's life so live with it and stop complaining.
well I dont meen replace it but to find a way over it.
I also think that most decks will still be good just loose a bit of speed and mayby other things
but that just means you will need to find new stratigys
yes, Im seeing more and more of decks that have only like 10-16 pokemon and lots of trainers so Im thinking the card absol will be alot better now.
I was afraid of this. I hope they make a DRE reprint in the set after MD so that my new GG can be put to better use.
the point of dre,scramble and boost nrgies was to balance the game . they wanted to make some nrgies that will help for comebacks (its rly hard to comeback when you loose your first attacker early ). now im sure they will put cards with less nrgies to use for attacks or we will b forced to return to game style of basic collection (draw card until you get that you want ) that why there is claydol and mom's kindness.also celio was broken ? and scott-castaway wasnt so usefull cards ( you cant loose ur turn 2 or 3 to fetch more sup itill slow you a lot ? also scott and castaway where mainly to fetch stad-tool ? you can still draw em .
well there IS Lapras for Castaway
and these cards are still legal
so play it as much as you feel like it, until you get bored of it
then you'll feel much better then the season has rolled over
ya but Lapas is only for water and it takes up your move. I think this game is going to change alot after the rotation.
My friends and I are already playing DP on, so we are perfectly fine with the rotation. And I can't wait to see more decks playable, get some more varitety flowing. Can't excited.
yes alot of good things will happen and alot of bad things will happen I gess It really depends on the deck your playing.