BW/BW2 Its official b/w are success


Ultimate Ledgend Collector
b/w are alreay a hit by selling 2.63 million copies in 2 days take in mind d/p sold 1.58 million in the same time :cool:
That's fast. Only about 0.4 million less than Halo Reach managed on release day
With a perfect score, why not?
It would make sense, I think quite a few of those were exported copies though, correct me if I'm wrong.
Hopefully US sales will be good, but I doubt compared to the ratios of people in the US vs JP will be much less.
Sure, we'll sell just as much if not more, but there's more people to buy the games, so you get my point.

That's all for now.
yes but halo was released world wide b/w is just and thats in two days d/p is almost half of that
Correct, it is made and sold in japan, but is exported, with no localization, across the world to players who have the right to purchase such things, I'm pretty excited they sold well, but that also means longer lines at Gamestop for me when they come out in the US... D:

That's all for now.
reshiram123-yeah,i remember reading it was about 2 million first day and only .8(800,000 units) so thats 2.8 and weekly it was 7.8