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It's so cute and fluffy! (Garchomp/Altaria)


Soft Boiled
So here is a little dragon deck I have been playing around with. People keep saying I dont need ultra ball, but I feel like I want to put it in. Suggestions?


4-3-4 Garchomp (DRE)
3-3 Altaria (DRE)
3 Emolga (DRE)


4 Professor Juniper
3 Cheren
3 N
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Random Reciever
3 Switch
4 Level Ball
3 Rare Candy
2 Super Rod


7 {F}
4 Blend Energy {L}{W}{M}{F}

Strategy if to get Garchomps/Altaris out asap, and hit hard and early. Emolga to get Swablu's quickly and Stunfisk for those Eel/Dark decks. Any suggestions would be great!

EDIT: 9/12/2012 - Took out 2 Stunfisk and added 1 Level Ball and 1 Emolga.
Pokemon- 21

4-Gible DRX 87
3-Gabite DRX 89
4-Garchomp DRX 90
3-Swablu DRX 104
3-Altaria DRX 84
3-Emolga DRX 45
1-Rayquaza DRX 128

Trainers- 28

4-Professor Juniper

4-Pokemon Catcher
3-Level Ball
3-Rare Candy
2-Super Rod

Energy- 11

4-Blend Energy WLFM
7-Fighting Energy

here is my list. i could drop a rayquaza sr for a switch. no you don't need ultra ball. and your list looks solid.
koji said:
Pokemon- 21

4-Gible DRX 87
3-Gabite DRX 89
4-Garchomp DRX 90
3-Swablu DRX 104
3-Altaria DRX 84
3-Emolga DRX 45
1-Rayquaza DRX 128

Trainers- 28

4-Professor Juniper

4-Pokemon Catcher
3-Level Ball
3-Rare Candy
2-Super Rod

Energy- 11

4-Blend Energy WLFM
7-Fighting Energy

here is my list. i could drop a rayquaza sr for a switch. no you don't need ultra ball. and your list looks solid.

Well, although I think it's a little rude to post your list on my thread, I will give some critique.

Why Bianca? You have no real way of discarding anything and the Gabites just increase your hand size. If you are using Bianca, use Ultra Ball.
koji said:
Pokemon- 21

4-Gible DRX 87
3-Gabite DRX 89
4-Garchomp DRX 90
3-Swablu DRX 104
3-Altaria DRX 84
3-Emolga DRX 45
1-Rayquaza DRX 128

Trainers- 28

4-Professor Juniper

4-Pokemon Catcher
3-Level Ball
3-Rare Candy
2-Super Rod

Energy- 11

4-Blend Energy WLFM
7-Fighting Energy

here is my list. i could drop a rayquaza sr for a switch. no you don't need ultra ball. and your list looks solid.

you just copied yuta's list from japan battle carnival
Ultra Ball makes your deck SO much faster, as you can get a T2 set up without having much of a "set up". It makes Bianca the better draw and it helps against Garbodor as you can now search out the Garchomp you otherwise couldn't have due to Dragon Call being locked. The search doubles as a counter card, which is great, and you should test it.
rayquaza sr> stunfisk (if you can afford it) rayquaza sr can kill tynamos and some dragon basics... for 1 energy which you already run
And does 40 with Weakness. For two, Terrakion OHKO's Raikou and Darkrai. Of course, you'd need Plus Power or Tool Scrapper. You could even get Terrakion going in one turn if you decided to fit in Energy Switch.
Mora said:
And does 40 with Weakness. For two, Terrakion OHKO's Raikou and Darkrai. Of course, you'd need Plus Power or Tool Scrapper. You could even get Terrakion going in one turn if you decided to fit in Energy Switch.

Stunfisk is capable of donks, also he hits the bench as well. if I start with terrakion as my only starter, I would feel like a sitting duck.
I still perfer Terrakion; he isn't useless after the first two or three turns. I would much rather start with Emolga, but if you can donk, I guess it wouldn't matter. Rayquaza would be better, but, of course, with the hefty price tag, I don't blame you for not running it.
Bianca does not work!!
Just run 4 n, 4 juniper and 4 cheren, and two plus power will help you
Ok, I've tested out Garchomp recently, and here is my input:

1) 4 Swablu. Swablu has a lightning weakness AND 40 HP; it's so fragile. It's even 2HKO from a Tynamo (TWave). I highly suggest 4 Swablu as it increases the chance of at least 3 surviving to become Altaria.

2) 4 N. I found that 4 N is almost always a staple as it is such a major game changer. I was down 3 prizes to 1, and managed to pull off a win because 1 card N was so devastating to my opponent. Late-game N is such a devastating move, and can turn almost sure-fire losses into victories.

3) No Stunfisk. I've playtested Stunfisk, and to say, it's not very helpful. Dark Claw Darkrai EX OHKO's non Eviolited Stunfisk, and 2HKO's it in other situations. You did put it in for Darkness Decks, but since the main deck right now is Darkrai Hydreigon, they can just move the energy and heal it off. I find Stunfisk quite useless. If you are using it for DONK's, Rayquaza is your best bet. It's coming out soon so you can use it for Regionals; although Rayquaza is Catcher bait later on.

4) 4 Level Ball. You NEED T2 Gabite, or else it's pretty much game over. (I've seen Darkrai Hydreigon set up by T3 normally, and Eelektrik by T3-T4.) Gabite is such an essential element to your plan, so 4 is a MUST.

5) 3 Emolga. You NEED to get those T1 Gible and Swablu. It is an essential part to your strategy, and 2 isn't very consistent. I know that it is dead late game, but it is essential to boost the consistency. Besides, you're already pretty much set up by late-game.

6) No Random Receiver. I haven't really found RR of any use because I always drew into supporters. You can run 1 at max; however, I haven't really seen a use to it.

Other than that, everything looks good. So here are all of my changes I would make:

+1 Swablu
+1 N
-2 Stunfisk
+1 Rayquaza
+1 Level Ball
+1 Emolga
-3 Random Receiver

Hope that wasn't a TL;DR
-2 Stunfisk
+1 Emolga (you really need to start with this guy.)

-1 Switch
-1 Random Receiver
+3 Max Potion (You can attack with 1 Energy, Max Potion is so damaging, always try to hold 1 energy to power the Garchomp after Max Potion)
I wouldn't say 3 Emolga is "essential" (especially with 3 Switch). In the Battle Roads this weekend, I got third with just 2 Emolga. In fact every game (4 games total), I got the T1 Call for Family. Twice I started with it. Twice, I Level Ball'd for Emolga, attached and played Juniper (top decking a Switch both times :p). I also wouldn't run Stunfisk just because you're skimping on consistency as it is. Fourth Level Ball, N, and Swablu. Maybe two Communications.
I find Emolga to be useless I ran 3 then 2 and hardly ever started with them and then drew them late game along with Bianca -__- so I would would take the 2 Emolga out and add 1 more Gabite and 1 more Stunfisk and switch the 3 bianca's for 2 rescue scarfs to recover Alteria and 1 more chern. Hope this helps
Diet said:
Ok, I've tested out Garchomp recently, and here is my input:

1) 4 Swablu. Swablu has a lightning weakness AND 40 HP; it's so fragile. It's even 2HKO from a Tynamo (TWave). I highly suggest 4 Swablu as it increases the chance of at least 3 surviving to become Altaria.

2) 4 N. I found that 4 N is almost always a staple as it is such a major game changer. I was down 3 prizes to 1, and managed to pull off a win because 1 card N was so devastating to my opponent. Late-game N is such a devastating move, and can turn almost sure-fire losses into victories.

3) No Stunfisk. I've playtested Stunfisk, and to say, it's not very helpful. Dark Claw Darkrai EX OHKO's non Eviolited Stunfisk, and 2HKO's it in other situations. You did put it in for Darkness Decks, but since the main deck right now is Darkrai Hydreigon, they can just move the energy and heal it off. I find Stunfisk quite useless. If you are using it for DONK's, Rayquaza is your best bet. It's coming out soon so you can use it for Regionals; although Rayquaza is Catcher bait later on.

4) 4 Level Ball. You NEED T2 Gabite, or else it's pretty much game over. (I've seen Darkrai Hydreigon set up by T3 normally, and Eelektrik by T3-T4.) Gabite is such an essential element to your plan, so 4 is a MUST.

5) 3 Emolga. You NEED to get those T1 Gible and Swablu. It is an essential part to your strategy, and 2 isn't very consistent. I know that it is dead late game, but it is essential to boost the consistency. Besides, you're already pretty much set up by late-game.

6) No Random Receiver. I haven't really found RR of any use because I always drew into supporters. You can run 1 at max; however, I haven't really seen a use to it.

Other than that, everything looks good. So here are all of my changes I would make:

+1 Swablu
+1 N
-2 Stunfisk
+1 Rayquaza
+1 Level Ball
+1 Emolga
-3 Random Receiver

Hope that wasn't a TL;DR

Amazing input! This was just what I was looking for.

Anyways, I do have a few questions if I might add.

1. I was always thinking about 4 Swablu, just didn't have the room. Is there anything to take out for it besides Random Reciever?

2. I would take out a Cheren instead for another N if I needed to. I will try it with 4, but I do enjoy it at 3.

3. Took out stunfisk. Only had him in here because of Eels actually lol ^^'

4. Maxed, thanks.

5. Also done, replaced both stunfisk with Emolga for now. I don't know about Rayquaza, ill test him out when he becomes somewhat availiable for use :p

6. This is the only one I am edgy about. This card has saved some non-supporter hands many times for me. Is there anything else I could take out?

Thanks for the deep insight for this deck, it
s greatly appreciated!
Hmm, I've tested this deck out a bit more, and here is some more insight.
Not as many supporters needed. You have Level Ball, Emolga, AND Gabite; that gets you everything you'll need. Maybe a line of 2 Juniper, 3 N, 3 Cheren? Since you have 3 Random Receivers, a lower supporter count is possible.
So, -2 Professor Juniper, +1 Swablu and +1 Rayquaza (This is unaffordable right now, so just do -1 Juniper +1 Swablu for now).
This is what I found to work with me :)
Safe to say that it's surprised me that there's not been any mention of Max Potion here. Unless I'm wrong, I always assumed Garchomp could utilise it quite well?
It does. Saved me against Empoleon. My list has two Max Potions which, conveniently, is how many Stunfisk you have :)