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It's so cute and fluffy! (Garchomp/Altaria)

Mora said:
It does. Saved me against Empoleon. My list has two Max Potions which, conveniently, is how many Stunfisk you have :)

I dont see much of a use for it. Sure it MAY help, but my Garchomps usually get 1 Hit K.O'd. Sure sometimes they will take a hit, but Max Potion seems like a waste of space to me. hell, I even didn't like it in Darkrai/Hydreigon, but I used it because it was necessary.
Lemres said:
Sure it MAY help, but my Garchomps usually get 1 Hit K.O'd. Sure sometimes they will take a hit, but Max Potion seems like a waste of space to me.

Let's look at the format. Zekrom EX, Hydreigon, Giratina, Rayquaza EX, Mewtwo (with six energies), and other Garchomps are the only Pokemon that OHKO Garchomp. (Sorry if I'm missing any.) Giratina and Rayquaza are return KO'd and with a favorable prize trade, Hydreigon is return KO'd (and they lose four energies), Zekrom can't necessarily attack every turn because they would need a DCE or a Switch, and neither Zekrom or Mewtwo are ran in large numbers anyway. Maybe two Mewtwos, but you can get rid of any DCE's they attach, so they have to have six Basic energies on Mewtwo to OHKO you. And if they do, you're 2HKO'ing Mewtwo, which is still two for two. So, when Max Potion is conpletely useless that turn, you're either going to be up on prizes (Giratina and Rayquaza), taking out an important Bench sitter (Hydreigon), or it's Mewtwo (probably only a real threat in Zeels) or Zekrom. Zeel does give Garchomp some trouble with those threats plus Raikou, but they do have some attackers that don't OHKO Garchomp, those being Zekrom and Thundurus. Now, Garchomp versus Garchomp... Max Potion is rediculously pointless. You can KO Garchomp with the "bad" Gible...

Anyway, on to the matchups it is relevant in. Empoleon has a more favorable matchup to Garchomp. While Garchomp does OHKO Empoleon with two Altaria, it's a lot easier to draw into a Catcher with Emopoleon. If you can't keep OHKO'ing Empoleon, then it turns into an even prize trade until your opponent Max Potions all the damage from Mach Cut off, and then you lose... basically.

Terrakion/Garbodor varriants also have better odds against Garchomp. When you're ability locked and stuck at a maximum 100 damage output, you run into the same problems with Empoleon--not being able to hit 140. You'll have about an even prize trade as long as you are able to stream Garchomps... Which is not long. Think you can Catcher Garbodor and then do 140? Nope, you won't even have the Altarias in play. By the time you Dragon Call for them, your opponent will have reestablished the lock.

I know I stated that Hydreigon in Darkrai/Hydreigon can OHKO Garchomp, but he's not the main attcacker; your opponent won't be attacking with him unless he has another one set up on the Bench, and he is prepared to lose a good bit of his energies on the field (including at least one Blend), which for Darkrai is important. The main attacker does 90 with a 30 snipe; quite simply, Max Potion is amazing. Dark Claw'd Darkrai goes two for two with Garchomp (without their Max Potions), but Eviolited Darkrais are much more common, and they have still have tricks of their own. Catchering Altarias for the KO while stacking damage on Garchomp is annoying. Registeel is annoying. Max Potion stops all of that. Not to mention they're going to be taking advantage of Max Potion as well. This a matchup where any edge you can get is much apprieciated.

Well, I'm done making a case for Max Potion. If your meta consists purely of Eels and Garchomp, then nevermind, but Max Potion still has synergy with Garchomp's single energy requirement, and Stunfisk still doesn't have synergy with his heavy Retreat Cost, pathetic damage output, and non-{DRG} typing :p

Lemres said:
hell, I even didn't like it in Darkrai/Hydreigon, but I used it because it was necessary.

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