Hi there!
James here, and this time with a trading thread! I'm from Holland/the Netherlands, but I trade to the USA and Europe if the deal is worth it. Before I'll show you my Wants and/or Haves, here are a few important things for you to know if you're interested in trading with me:
01). I go by the Trade Reputation System, so if you have no (positive) refs, we'll need to work out who'll send first. I'll tell you in advance I'm not likely to send first if you don't have at least 5 or more (unique) positive refs. Not that I have lost my faith in the honesty of people altogether, but I have been ripped off numerous times, and I'm not likely to trade to someone I don't know that easily (especially if I have no method of tracing them down).
02). Whatever the case, the standard Pokébeach forum rules apply.
03). In case when we start debating card values, Ebay will provide the answer on how valuable the card(s) in question are. On top of that, what I value my cards at will also depend on how much you value yours! For example, if a card is worth between the 8 and 10 Dollar/Euro/Whatever, and you value it on 10, my cards will have the highest value too when trading. Let's keep things fair and fun!
04). ALL my cards are in mint condition, unless stated otherwise. I expect yours to be the same, unless otherwise mentioned.
05). I only ship to the USA if it involves a large and/or worthy trade (I fully understand/respect it if you feel the same way about shipping to me) as the costs could get high on both ends.
06). Seeing how I go by the Trade Reputation System, I will provide you with a ref after the trade. I expect you to do the same.
07). I'm only interested in English or Japanese printed cards; no other languages!
08). You're always free to PM me to arrange a deal or something (it's probably the fastest way of getting a hold on me too!)
09). I will see your list (CML)
Have fun and be fair!
Well, that's enough to read for now I guess, let's get on with my haves, as I suppose that's what you're here for! I list everything I have by type, not set!
My Haves
As you can see below, my ''Haves'' section is divided in five parts:
- The first part will most likely interest players/collectors.
- The second part are all my Holo cards for trade
- The third part are all my Reversed Holo (RH) cards for trade
- The fourth part are all my Rare cards I have for trade
- The fifth part will become my Trainers up for trade, but is currently WIP!
If there is no number next to a card it means I only have a single copy of that card. If I have multiple copies of a given card, I will always mention it behind the card's name (so asking if I have more of the card in question is pointless)!
Secret Rares, Primes, Playable cards, others
Old(er) Cards: (series Plt: Arceus and below)
My Wants:
I can take a look at your list for anything to be traded, the cards I want aren't limited to the cards you can find here!
High Wants:
Tropical Beach (English only!!)
Collector (7 total, up to 3 can be RH)
Catcher (8 total, up to 3 can be RH)
Junk Arm (1, RH only!)
DCL Top half
04x RH Gothita #43 (the one with Hypnotic Gaze and Double Slap)
01x RH Solosis
Medium Wants:
01x Kyogre CoL SL6, holo
02x Gengar Prime
01x Mew prime
02x RH Quilava HGSS
03x RH Cyndaquill HGSS
02x RH Vulpix UL
Low Wants:
Xx Tyranitar merchandise (I will see what I don't have/have when you offer it to me)
Xx RH staple trainers (ie, Junk Arm, Communication, Collector, Catcher, etc)
Xx Staple trainers (ie, Junk Arm, Communication, Collector, Catcher, etc)
Xx Foil energy (preferbly from exEmerald, CoL, or the League promo's from this year/last season)
Have fun trading and playing, and have a nice day!
James here, and this time with a trading thread! I'm from Holland/the Netherlands, but I trade to the USA and Europe if the deal is worth it. Before I'll show you my Wants and/or Haves, here are a few important things for you to know if you're interested in trading with me:
01). I go by the Trade Reputation System, so if you have no (positive) refs, we'll need to work out who'll send first. I'll tell you in advance I'm not likely to send first if you don't have at least 5 or more (unique) positive refs. Not that I have lost my faith in the honesty of people altogether, but I have been ripped off numerous times, and I'm not likely to trade to someone I don't know that easily (especially if I have no method of tracing them down).
02). Whatever the case, the standard Pokébeach forum rules apply.
03). In case when we start debating card values, Ebay will provide the answer on how valuable the card(s) in question are. On top of that, what I value my cards at will also depend on how much you value yours! For example, if a card is worth between the 8 and 10 Dollar/Euro/Whatever, and you value it on 10, my cards will have the highest value too when trading. Let's keep things fair and fun!
04). ALL my cards are in mint condition, unless stated otherwise. I expect yours to be the same, unless otherwise mentioned.
05). I only ship to the USA if it involves a large and/or worthy trade (I fully understand/respect it if you feel the same way about shipping to me) as the costs could get high on both ends.
06). Seeing how I go by the Trade Reputation System, I will provide you with a ref after the trade. I expect you to do the same.
07). I'm only interested in English or Japanese printed cards; no other languages!
08). You're always free to PM me to arrange a deal or something (it's probably the fastest way of getting a hold on me too!)
09). I will see your list (CML)
Have fun and be fair!
Well, that's enough to read for now I guess, let's get on with my haves, as I suppose that's what you're here for! I list everything I have by type, not set!
My Haves
As you can see below, my ''Haves'' section is divided in five parts:
- The first part will most likely interest players/collectors.
- The second part are all my Holo cards for trade
- The third part are all my Reversed Holo (RH) cards for trade
- The fourth part are all my Rare cards I have for trade
- The fifth part will become my Trainers up for trade, but is currently WIP!
If there is no number next to a card it means I only have a single copy of that card. If I have multiple copies of a given card, I will always mention it behind the card's name (so asking if I have more of the card in question is pointless)!
Secret Rares, Primes, Playable cards, others
Bolded cards are for trade, just not that easy!
Legends/Secret Rare:
1x Palkia&Dialga LEGEND Full
1x Palkia&Dialga LEGEND bottom
1x Lugia LEGEND Full
1x Alph Litograph HGSS [ONE]
1x Pikachu BW #115/114
{G} Grass
Meganium Prime x2
Celebi Prime x2
Yanmega Prime x3
Jumpluff HGSS x2 (holo)
Sunflora HGSS x3 (1 RH, 2 Rare. I can miss 1 if you really need one.)
Leafeon UD/CoL x3 (1 RH CoL, 2 rare)
Roserade UL x2
{R} Fire
Ninetails CoL x2 (either 2 holo, or 1 holo and 1 RH)
Reshiram RH
Magby TR RH
{W} Water
Kingdra Prime x3
Floatzel UL x5 (1 RH)
{P} Psychic
Slowking Prime x3
Reuniclus BW RH
Metagross UL x2 (1 holo, 1 RH)
{L} Electric
Magnezone Prime x4
Magneton TR RH
Magnemite TR RH x3
Thundurus FA
Electrode Prime x2
Ampharos Prime x2
Lanturn Prime x3
{F} Fighting
Machamp Prime
Krookodile BW x3
{D} Dark
Mandibuzz BW
{M} Metal
Steelix Prime x4
Klingklang BW x2 (holo)
Ferrothorn EP #72 (Gyro Ball)
{C} Colourless
Rayquaza CoL SL10 (Shiny Secret Rare, holo version. I'd like to trade this for a Kyogre SL6 if possible please!)
Cinccino BW
Smeargle CoL x2 (1 holo and 1 RH)
Cleffa HGSS (I might consider this as an trade-evener if needed)
Legends/Secret Rare:
1x Palkia&Dialga LEGEND Full
1x Palkia&Dialga LEGEND bottom
1x Lugia LEGEND Full
1x Alph Litograph HGSS [ONE]
1x Pikachu BW #115/114
{G} Grass
Meganium Prime x2
Celebi Prime x2
Yanmega Prime x3
Jumpluff HGSS x2 (holo)
Sunflora HGSS x3 (1 RH, 2 Rare. I can miss 1 if you really need one.)
Leafeon UD/CoL x3 (1 RH CoL, 2 rare)
Roserade UL x2
{R} Fire
Ninetails CoL x2 (either 2 holo, or 1 holo and 1 RH)
Reshiram RH
Magby TR RH
{W} Water
Kingdra Prime x3
Floatzel UL x5 (1 RH)
{P} Psychic
Slowking Prime x3
Reuniclus BW RH
Metagross UL x2 (1 holo, 1 RH)
{L} Electric
Magnezone Prime x4
Magneton TR RH
Magnemite TR RH x3
Thundurus FA
Electrode Prime x2
Ampharos Prime x2
Lanturn Prime x3
{F} Fighting
Machamp Prime
Krookodile BW x3
{D} Dark
Mandibuzz BW
{M} Metal
Steelix Prime x4
Klingklang BW x2 (holo)
Ferrothorn EP #72 (Gyro Ball)
{C} Colourless
Rayquaza CoL SL10 (Shiny Secret Rare, holo version. I'd like to trade this for a Kyogre SL6 if possible please!)
Cinccino BW
Smeargle CoL x2 (1 holo and 1 RH)
Cleffa HGSS (I might consider this as an trade-evener if needed)
{G} Grass
Torterra UL
Virizion EP
{R} Fire
{W} Water
Samurott BW #31
Gyarados HGSS
Gyarados CoL
Quagsire HGSS
Octillery UL x2
Kyogre CoL (normal holo version, not Shiny)
Mamoswine TR (from booster pack, not theme deck)
{P} Psychic
Deoxys CoL
{L} Electric
{F} Fighting
Nidoking TR
Gliscor UD x2
Groudon CoL (normal holo version, not Shiny)
{D} Dark
{M} Metal
Forretress UD #3
{C} Colourless
Altaria TR x2
Porygon-Z TR
Torterra UL
Virizion EP
{R} Fire
{W} Water
Samurott BW #31
Gyarados HGSS
Gyarados CoL
Quagsire HGSS
Octillery UL x2
Kyogre CoL (normal holo version, not Shiny)
Mamoswine TR (from booster pack, not theme deck)
{P} Psychic
Deoxys CoL
{L} Electric
{F} Fighting
Nidoking TR
Gliscor UD x2
Groudon CoL (normal holo version, not Shiny)
{D} Dark
{M} Metal
Forretress UD #3
{C} Colourless
Altaria TR x2
Porygon-Z TR
{G} Grass
Meganium CoL
Grotle UL
Parasect HGSS
Servine BW #4
Bayleef CoL
Venonat TR
Turtwig UL
Volbeat TR
{R} Fire
Magmar CoL
Vulpix HGSS
Vulpix CoL
Numel UL
{W} Water
Octillery UL
Lugia CoL (normal version Reversed, not Shiny)
Gyarados HGSS
Lapras HGSS
Wailmer TR x3
Basculin EP #25 (not the one with the 80 damage attack)
Tentacruel TR
Tentacool TR
Sniwub TR x2
Slopoke HGSS
{P} Psychic
Weezing HGSS
Banette TR
Nidorina TR
Unown HGSS #55 (FLASH)
Swoobat BW
Koffing CoL x2
Spoink TR
Skorupi TR
{L} Electric
Electrode TR
Mareep CoL x2
Blitzle BW #40
{F} Fighting
Hitmontop CoL
Gliscor UD
Primeape UL
Terrakion EP
Donphan HGSS
Marowak TR
Throh EP x2
{D} Dark
Scrafty BW
Sharpedo TR
Carvana TR
{M} Metal
Steelix UL
Lairon TR
Mawile CoL
Bronzor TR
{C} Colourless
Braviary EP
Audino EP
Audino BW
Tranquill EP
Lickilicky TR x2
Raticate UD
Cinccino EP
Dratini TR
Aipom TR
Swablu TR
Eevee CoL
Patrat BW #77
Meganium CoL
Grotle UL
Parasect HGSS
Servine BW #4
Bayleef CoL
Venonat TR
Turtwig UL
Volbeat TR
{R} Fire
Magmar CoL
Vulpix HGSS
Vulpix CoL
Numel UL
{W} Water
Octillery UL
Lugia CoL (normal version Reversed, not Shiny)
Gyarados HGSS
Lapras HGSS
Wailmer TR x3
Basculin EP #25 (not the one with the 80 damage attack)
Tentacruel TR
Tentacool TR
Sniwub TR x2
Slopoke HGSS
{P} Psychic
Weezing HGSS
Banette TR
Nidorina TR
Unown HGSS #55 (FLASH)
Swoobat BW
Koffing CoL x2
Spoink TR
Skorupi TR
{L} Electric
Electrode TR
Mareep CoL x2
Blitzle BW #40
{F} Fighting
Hitmontop CoL
Gliscor UD
Primeape UL
Terrakion EP
Donphan HGSS
Marowak TR
Throh EP x2
{D} Dark
Scrafty BW
Sharpedo TR
Carvana TR
{M} Metal
Steelix UL
Lairon TR
Mawile CoL
Bronzor TR
{C} Colourless
Braviary EP
Audino EP
Audino BW
Tranquill EP
Lickilicky TR x2
Raticate UD
Cinccino EP
Dratini TR
Aipom TR
Swablu TR
Eevee CoL
Patrat BW #77
{G} Grass
Ariados HGSS
Meganium CoL
Simisage EP x2
Sawsbuck BW
Leavanny EP #8
{R} Fire
Typhlosion HGSS x2
Typhlosion CoL
Ninetails UL
Darmanitan EP
{W} Water
Feraligatr HGSS
Feraligatr CoL x2
Poliwrath UL x3
Beartic EP #31 x2 (not the one with Sheer Cold)
Swanna BW x2
Swanna EP
Simipour EP x2
Wailord TR
{P} Psychic
Mismagius CoL x2
Exeggutor HGSS x2
Grumpig TR x2
Weezing CoL
Banette TR
Gothitelle #48 (the one without abillity)
Nidoqueen TR x4
{L} Electric
Lanturn UL
Zebstrika BW #43
Ampharos CoL
{F} Fighting
Gigalith EP x2
Machamp TR x3
Primeape UL x2
Throh BW x2
Sawk BW
Lunatone TR
{D} Dark
Scrafty BW x2
Sharpedo TR x3
Liepard EP
{M} Metal
Klingklang EP
Bronzong TR
Steelix UL
Skarmory CoL x2
{C} Colourless
Unfezant BW
Pigeot TR
Ditto TR
Dragonite TR x2
Stoutland BW
Ariados HGSS
Meganium CoL
Simisage EP x2
Sawsbuck BW
Leavanny EP #8
{R} Fire
Typhlosion HGSS x2
Typhlosion CoL
Ninetails UL
Darmanitan EP
{W} Water
Feraligatr HGSS
Feraligatr CoL x2
Poliwrath UL x3
Beartic EP #31 x2 (not the one with Sheer Cold)
Swanna BW x2
Swanna EP
Simipour EP x2
Wailord TR
{P} Psychic
Mismagius CoL x2
Exeggutor HGSS x2
Grumpig TR x2
Weezing CoL
Banette TR
Gothitelle #48 (the one without abillity)
Nidoqueen TR x4
{L} Electric
Lanturn UL
Zebstrika BW #43
Ampharos CoL
{F} Fighting
Gigalith EP x2
Machamp TR x3
Primeape UL x2
Throh BW x2
Sawk BW
Lunatone TR
{D} Dark
Scrafty BW x2
Sharpedo TR x3
Liepard EP
{M} Metal
Klingklang EP
Bronzong TR
Steelix UL
Skarmory CoL x2
{C} Colourless
Unfezant BW
Pigeot TR
Ditto TR
Dragonite TR x2
Stoutland BW
This place is under construction for now, but will be updated once I have sorted them out! Check back soon please!
Professor Juniper x2
Copycat x2
[more to come soon!]
Professor Juniper x2
Copycat x2
[more to come soon!]
Old(er) Cards: (series Plt: Arceus and below)
Even though here are some older cards, they are all mint quality, unless otherwise noted. Bolded cards are for trade, just not that easy!
{G} Grass
Dragoniar [delta] exDragon Frontiers Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
Mothim Majestic Dawn Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
Tropius Rising Rivals Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
{R} Fire
{W} Water
Manaphy POP6 x2 100% MINT
Squirtle exCrystal Guardians City Championship Stamp (2006) 100% MINT
Poliwag Unleashed City Championship holo pokéball promo
Glalie Arceus x4
{P} Psychic
Toxicroak G Platinum x4 (1 RH, 3 Rare)
Skuntank G Platinum x2 (1 RH, 1 uncommon)
Giratina Platinum #28 (origin forme, rare)
{L} Electric
Luxray Diamond&Pearl Nationals Stamp 100% MINT
Electabuzz Platinum #128/127
{F} Fighting
Claydol Great Encounters league holo pokéball promo
{D} Dark
{M} Metal
{C} Colourless
Gible Supreme Victors (holo pokéball print City Championship promo)
Flygon Rising Rivals RH x2
Vibrava Rising Rivals RH x3
Dodrio Supreme Victors
Porygon-Z G Arceus
Holon's Adventurer RH exHolon Phantoms
Holon Mentor RH exDragon Frontier
Professor Oak's Research RH exDragon Frontiers
TV Reporter RH exDragon Frontiers x3
Mr Stone's Project RH exHolon Phantoms
Bebe's Search RH x2 (1 RH Rising Rivals, 1 League promo holo pokéball)
Flint's Willpower RH
Aaron's Collection RH
High Pressure System RH exDragon x2 (these cards have minor scratches and bends due to age, but they are otherwise in good condition!)
Crystal Beach RH exCrystal Guardians
Broken Time-Space RH (league promo)
Miasma valley RH
Strength Charm RH exDragon Frontiers x3
Cessation Crystal RH exCrystal Guardians
Buffer Piece RH
Luxury Ball RH
Premier Ball RH
Power Spray RH
Level Max RH
Night Maintenance RH (Mysterious Treasures)
SP Energy RH
Call Energy RH
Upper Energy RH
{G} Grass
Dragoniar [delta] exDragon Frontiers Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
Mothim Majestic Dawn Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
Tropius Rising Rivals Prerelease Stamp 100% MINT
{R} Fire
{W} Water
Manaphy POP6 x2 100% MINT
Squirtle exCrystal Guardians City Championship Stamp (2006) 100% MINT
Poliwag Unleashed City Championship holo pokéball promo
Glalie Arceus x4
{P} Psychic
Toxicroak G Platinum x4 (1 RH, 3 Rare)
Skuntank G Platinum x2 (1 RH, 1 uncommon)
Giratina Platinum #28 (origin forme, rare)
{L} Electric
Luxray Diamond&Pearl Nationals Stamp 100% MINT
Electabuzz Platinum #128/127
{F} Fighting
Claydol Great Encounters league holo pokéball promo
{D} Dark
{M} Metal
{C} Colourless
Gible Supreme Victors (holo pokéball print City Championship promo)
Flygon Rising Rivals RH x2
Vibrava Rising Rivals RH x3
Dodrio Supreme Victors
Porygon-Z G Arceus
Holon's Adventurer RH exHolon Phantoms
Holon Mentor RH exDragon Frontier
Professor Oak's Research RH exDragon Frontiers
TV Reporter RH exDragon Frontiers x3
Mr Stone's Project RH exHolon Phantoms
Bebe's Search RH x2 (1 RH Rising Rivals, 1 League promo holo pokéball)
Flint's Willpower RH
Aaron's Collection RH
High Pressure System RH exDragon x2 (these cards have minor scratches and bends due to age, but they are otherwise in good condition!)
Crystal Beach RH exCrystal Guardians
Broken Time-Space RH (league promo)
Miasma valley RH
Strength Charm RH exDragon Frontiers x3
Cessation Crystal RH exCrystal Guardians
Buffer Piece RH
Luxury Ball RH
Premier Ball RH
Power Spray RH
Level Max RH
Night Maintenance RH (Mysterious Treasures)
SP Energy RH
Call Energy RH
Upper Energy RH
My Wants:
I can take a look at your list for anything to be traded, the cards I want aren't limited to the cards you can find here!
High Wants:
Tropical Beach (English only!!)
Collector (7 total, up to 3 can be RH)
Catcher (8 total, up to 3 can be RH)
Junk Arm (1, RH only!)
DCL Top half
04x RH Gothita #43 (the one with Hypnotic Gaze and Double Slap)
01x RH Solosis
Medium Wants:
01x Kyogre CoL SL6, holo
02x Gengar Prime
01x Mew prime
02x RH Quilava HGSS
03x RH Cyndaquill HGSS
02x RH Vulpix UL
Low Wants:
Xx Tyranitar merchandise (I will see what I don't have/have when you offer it to me)
Xx RH staple trainers (ie, Junk Arm, Communication, Collector, Catcher, etc)
Xx Staple trainers (ie, Junk Arm, Communication, Collector, Catcher, etc)
Xx Foil energy (preferbly from exEmerald, CoL, or the League promo's from this year/last season)
Have fun trading and playing, and have a nice day!