Jamming Tower Revealed from “Mask of Change!”

Gee, it's almost like we have to build decks around Stadium wars again...
Well it’s just annoying because now tool cards like Heavy Baton, Hero’s Cape, etc. that are (usually) only good if they stay active throughout your opponent’s turn are still so much worse even if you do have counter stadiums.
Its a good stadium to turn off Snorlax Control but it still affects alot of other decks like Great Tusk Mill, Future Hands, Iron Valient ex, etc it will just turn off the ace specs aswell which by itself is stupid cause we are getting more tool ace specs like the focus sash ace spec
1-of in PidgeotZard. Search up Jamming Tower > Iono in the lategame to prevent the opponent's TM Devolution. Aside from that, could Jamming Tower see use as a generic 3-of like Path to the Peak? I feel like the answer is no, but I'm not sure. Unlike PttP, it doesn't stop your opponent from drawing into their own Stadium, so it's a tough sell. What it does do is shut off Forest Seal Stone, which could be funny. Definitely messes up some Arven lines for Rare Candy decks like Charizard.
One wording difference I noticed between this and Lysandre Labs is that Lysandre turns off all tools in play whereas Jamming turns off tools attached to Pokemon in play, so does that mean Jamming can't stop tools attached to Doll cards like Lillie's and Snorlax?
Ok turns out the Dolls do count as Pokemon, since they're played as such when put down. KO based supporters like Raihan can be used if they're knocked out. So the difference comes down to if they're attached or not. Can't think of any tool cards that do this yet, so hopefully we get at least one that can get around Jammer, would be neat
How is no one talking about forest seal stone?! This new card is going to completely revolutionize gameplay.
Maybe Lugia can play this to maybe do better against iron hands (if Lugia is still alive when this comes out)
Lost vacuum was just teched at 1 in most decks
How is no one talking about forest seal stone?! This new card is going to completely revolutionize gameplay.
Lol no

It is a brick, so people won't play more than 1-2 copies. It does have its uses and it will see play, stone isn't the thing that it counters the best and certainly is a poor excuse to play the card.

If it sees play is to counter passive tools like cape, booster capsules, baton, etc. Stuff like stone and maximum belt is very situational
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At least this kills your own tools too, so if you use to hurt the opponent you can't also use maximum belt. This does just make Prime Catcher that much better.

Not really. The match-ups you want belt for are likely not going to play more than 1 copy of this if at all.

Also, if this thing started being a 1 of in zard, people would drop devolution and belt which in turn, would make people drop the card, which makes devolution and belt optimal again. Also, it has to be played preemptively to stop belt and devo, which limits the opportunity window. Is also terrible in zard mirror as Arven is still the out + the tool.

Is not as simple as you think this is and prime catcher is still where it should be, in fact, it will start seeing less play come next set as it brings unfair stamp & soul dew energy which is something else that will see heavy play.
At a glance, this hurts single prize decks like Ancient Box, Tusk Mill, etc. while decks like Charizard ex continue to benefit- stops tm devo and hp mods that keep you out of range. Seems like a "rich get richer" type of situation. We'll have to see when this all shakes out.
Not really. The match-ups you want belt for are likely not going to play more than 1 copy of this if at all.

Also, if this thing started being a 1 of in zard, people would drop devolution and belt which in turn, would make people drop the card, which makes devolution and belt optimal again. Also, it has to be played preemptively to stop belt and devo, which limits the opportunity window. Is also terrible in zard mirror as Arven is still the out + the tool.

Is not as simple as you think this is and prime catcher is still where it should be, in fact, it will start seeing less play come next set as it brings unfair stamp & soul dew energy which is something else that will see heavy play.
I agree that reset stamp will see play; I think the ace specs with no counters will see the most play. The other acespecs aren't nearly powerful enough to play when there are counters to them given there are other acespecs with no counters.
i think its pretty important to understand that tools are the mostp powerful they've been in nearly 10 years. arven providing easy accessibility, on top of the increased tool power level, has led to tools becoming increasily necessary to pull up game-winning combos.

at euic, 12 of the top 16 decks had 4 or more tool cards, with 6 of the top 8 decks having 4 or more tools in their deck. jamming tower is obviously a sizable nerf to tools, but it may be necessary to slow the game down and prevent an over-reliance on tools to pull off game-winning combos