Just traded it, sorry.fantasy_freak08 said:can i get a picture of the regigigas deck box?
$20 for Ruby, $25 for Emerald?Grizzly said:How much would you do for Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald?
SV sleeves were traded recently, but I'd take $10 for the game.safariblade said:How much for:
Garchomp sleeves (and how many?)
Pokemon TCG GBC
123wert50 said:How much for AR1 Arceus? Do you have any other Arceus cards for an Arceus deck?
.::n00bmuffin::. said:Those are two different deck boxes...which do you want?
Updated w/ sealed HGSS playmat
Hikikomori-san said:What condition is the Gengar deckbox in? Any scratches, whitening, etc etc?
123wert50 said:40 shipped for mat?