New card format, just like what we saw on Sol GX on worlds? I'm definitely loving it. I hope EXs and Megas still exist because there are some Megas like Abomasnow that hasn't featured in the TCG yet.
Somehow, unless the English cards keep the same blanks as the XY cards, The EXs and Mega EXs will more or less be scrapped. Though I do hope they keep the Dual-type cards going.New card format, just like what we saw on Sol GX on worlds? I'm definitely loving it. I hope EXs and Megas still exist because there are some Megas like Abomasnow that hasn't featured in the TCG yet.
I loved to buy and open boxes too, but now I'll only buy single cards for my decks and that's it.The larger boxes are actually something of a disappointment to me, honestly. More packs per box means the boxes are more expensive... and now they're so expensive that even a single box is above the customs limit here, which would make it significantly more expensive for me to continue buying boxes for each set.
I was already debating whether I should keep going with the TCG for Sun/Moon since I'm not too keen on the GX cards either, so maybe this is a sign.I'll just put the money into more PokéPlush instead.
You're not the only one who liked BW-XY templates. I'm worried too, about the lack of EXs, BREAKs, and Megas. I mainly collect Pokemon cards for ultra rares like those, so...Sadly, I don't think I'll be collecting through the Sun and Moon TCG as much.
For one, I'm not a big fan of the template. To me, the one they settled on in BW was perfect and I said to myself, "this is what they need to settle on" and for a while, they did. They kept the template for the XY sets too. And I was happy. As a result, Roaring Skies and on I collected like none other and they are likely my favorite sets ever printed in the TCG, collecting wise, simply because of all the beautiful full arts and secret rares. Now that that format is gone, EXs will likely disappear with the format, and that's the main reason I started collecting again. Now, that format is likely done, so are EXs and BREAK cards.
Secondly, I despise what's replacing them. GX cards. The template they used on it looked hideous, and it's most likely gonna be the template we see on most of our cards. If I luck out they keep EXs with the same template, then I'll keep collecting EX cards, and hope Alolan Ninetales gets one (hey, I lucked out with Glaceon getting one. Can't Alolan Ninetales?)
But I do look forward to seeing the official decision for the template on normal cards besides GX cards. I love the BW-XY template and there's really no reason to get rid of it. It's fine as is.
Also the conveptpacks, why give a holo energy per pack? Yuck. 5 cards but one is energy! For a whoppING 4000 yen a box. And there are 50 different cards but you only get 80+20 energy in a box?As far as collecting goes, it's not looking good at all; bigger, more expensive booster boxes (why?) and way too fancy looking templates. GX sounds like something coming from a cheap science fiction movie..
This, along with nostalgia, is why I am looking forward to Evolutions. The choises they made for the set may be weird here and there, but at least the cards look really good, and it may be the last set that does.