Wow they did well showing her....ampleness. other than making flat people jealous this card is decent but N is better in most cases
N isn't going to be around forever. He has been here since Noble Victories and frankly I think it's about time he gets out. Once he is out of format this is going to be an interesting card for sure.Wow they did well showing her....ampleness. other than making flat people jealous this card is decent but N is better in most cases
Ahh but he's not gone yet so such talk of post N format is pointless. This card is not as good as N in most cases it is however not bad especially if your hand is filled with cards you don't want your first turnN isn't going to be around forever. He has been here since Noble Victories and frankly I think it's about time he gets out. Once he is out of format this is going to be an interesting card for sure.
I believe both players draw the same number of cards that they shuffled in, so for example if you shuffle 4 in, you draw 4 and if your opponent shuffled 5, that's how many they draw.The question is.... who is going to decide how many cards?
Skyla says hi.The art is probably gonna get altered in the English set because of her... ampleness.
Could be great and a better version of N if you are leading on prizes, depending on hand size