News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

I meant an EX or a GX, (if she had a break). I count a break as like a lv X not much of a EX or GX. Maybe kinda like a GX with 3 moves in total or with an ability and some more hp but I feel like Cresselia is not that high in demand.
Actually, technically legendary Pokemon don't have genders.
Surprised no one has commented on this yet but I'm very happy to see Asako Ito back with Tynamo's artwork. I love these knitted Pokemon and I wish she'd sell them or something. (maybe she does and I just don't know)
Yeah, the knit Tynamo is really nice. The Marill's also knit if that's your thing.

Btw just gonna say that secret rare Golisopod GX is awesome.
Here are all the cards and how well they will do . Butterfree I can see doing well with bye bye healing. Tangrowth is too expensive. I can see golisipod gx making a good deck .Gyrados is actually very good use battle compressor and get them in discard. Simipour has another bad card. Bruxish will not get played. Raichu i can see getting played but we will see. Electross will stall. Seviper will work really well with ariados. Dusknoir can knock out magikarps. Toxapex will probably work with seviper. Meowstic no just no. Necrozma gx attack could work. Rypherior too heavy costs. Sawk sadly no. Musdale too heavy. Marshadow will do super well. Raticates first attack could work with fighting fury belt. Gardevoir will help fairy decks. Shinotic just no. Zygarde to heavy attacks. Porygon zs abilty can stall ure opponent.This bewear is not gonna see play. all the trainers will work in some cases. Vileplume one of the best cards in the set against ex and basic gxs. Heracross sadly wont work. the rest of the monkeys not gonna work. Dewpider could work in some stall decks. Charizard pretty good but awesome artwork. same with ho-oh. Heatmor might work.Kingdra is really good. azumarill wont work . wobbuffet could with the stadium. the rest of the cards wont work except noivern and ribombee with its abilty. lucario might and maybe Persian. and muk. so that concludes it . i see a bunch of potential. cant wait for it too come out.tell me what cards ure looking forward to the most .thx!!
Looks like this Necrozma is pairing with Forest Curse Trevenant Break and taking Japan by storm as a item-locking spread deck.
120 for one is pretty solid, but it's only good one time, and the rest of its attacks are pretty bad. 3/10 card. At least it looks cool...
You may want to use kukui and choice band to do 180 damage, and youre knocking out most basic gx cards and ex cards.
I've already started my list for Gardevoir-GX/Ribombee, and our proxy deck testing is going amazing. I know what I'm running for next format.
Two words solve all these issues... RARE CANDY

I am running this deck as a wheel and using no partner other then Tapu Lele GX. Let us not forget, Tapu Lele GX and Gardevior GX are basically the same attacks with different abilities. This deck is so consistent and though energy hungry, nothing a few Energy Retrieval cards can't fix . Currently running with only 6 Fairy and 4 DCE and on a 26 game win streak.
On one side, it is potentially broken. On the other side, we still have Yveltal-EX which can take a huge advantage of the opponents's Kiawe. (Don't forget Gardevoir-GX that came out in Burning Shadows, which can counteract Kiawe after the second turn).