that victini seems... underwhelming, sureif you have 10 energy in your discard, and 2 equipped it's pretty strong... but how did you even get into that situation in the first place?
1.) Entei doesn't hit 120Okay, first off: I think Reshiram GX can be amazing in a satuts deck as a main attacker if paired with Ultra Prism Infernape and Wela Volcano. (Something that I would have liked to see with Entei GX.)
It can be used as a tech in the future and undeniable Charizard deck that will be built in Dragon Storm because of Reshiram GX's GX attack. That or play Tortunator GX along with Charizard.
that victini seems... underwhelming, sureif you have 10 energy in your discard, and 2 equipped it's pretty strong... but how did you even get into that situation in the first place?
1.) Entei doesn't hit 120
2.) Playing multiple Pokemon could be a little clunky
3.) Guzma and Acerola are everywhere
Oh that's a pretty good idea, esspecially if you burned through your deck to the point where you shuffle the energies back in and they're the only thing in your deck. We still got a couple months to execute this strategy in standard so I approve.Typhlosion-BKT.
The thing is, you need to remember that if Victini is accidentally discarded by Typhlosion, you can't get it back.Typhlosion-BKT. New partner for that joke of a deck as it goes expanded only around the same time we get it. I don't think it's necessarily that good in Volc as a lot of people are saying because you generally want to power heater or nitro tank that energy directly back onto the field instead of shuffling it into the deck. Reshiram is kind of bad imo except maybe as a more consistent partner for Infernape ULP.