yep. Zoroarks a stage 1 card. Ludicolo is a stage 2 card. for this reason alone, Zoroark gx is a better card already, and Ludicolo hasn't even been leaked yet!
For Ludicolo to be remotely playable over Zoroark, its poke-power/ ability will have to be better than its old "Draw 1 card" power. If it drew 2 cards then it would be on par with zoroark, since you don't discard any cards from your hand to draw the new cards at the cost of it being a higher stage evolution card.
If it drew 3 cards or became the old Delphox card (the one that let you draw cards until you have 6 cards in hand), then i could see Ludicolo being played over Zoroark in lots of decks.