Japan's Worlds Qualifiers

RE: Japan's Nationals

WOW this is crazy. Hydreigon is just Klinklang/Registeel in a different (better apparently) form. I am surprised that no Drifblim was played due to all the blend energy, but that's me.

Have you taken a look at the new Drifblim? It does 150 late game for one energy.

But anyway, there was a Zekeels, and the extremely quick Gabite/Garchomp deck. It's nice to see Empo being played, but i think they would have had to run EXP share.

The Mewtwo/Terra confuses me SO much. I have no idea how it would work.

Finally i am surprised that somebody figured out Accelock. My builds always run out of resources.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Happy to hear that ZekEels is still thriving in Japan's BW-On format. It means I've made a safe longterm investment on a deck that's still proven to be successful even though it came in 3rd place at that tournament with a Raikou EX tech built in, plus come next format I will have an excuse to actually build a 2nd deck in a less stagnant metagame. HGSS-On is still an okay format and Dark Explorers definitely added some creativity to the table but not much.

The Tournament Reports from that event almost blows everything our current format has out of the water, no Junk Arm, PONT, Shaymin UL, and Smeargle to make donks more prominent. It just further proves that the HGSS sets really need to go cause their power creep is contributing to our format's instability right now. The only excuse for deciding to go with Call of Legends-On for our next rotation is because of Dual Ball when Japan is playing with better alternatives right now.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Lots of diversity, and I'm very pleased to see Stage 2 decks making a big return. :D
RE: Japan's Nationals

Yeah, the Stage 2s are really good, the balence in the Meta has been restored.
RE: Japan's Nationals

With these resualts, I'm not so afraid of a BW-on format anymore, bring it on, TCPI/PUSA!

I'm happy that Bianca is being used, I've always liked that card but never really used it because it's an inferior draw Supporter in all but 1 deck. (Terrakion)

Very supprised to see no Rayquaza in Top 16; makes me wonder if it just wasn't played much or if it's just bad.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Garchomp/Altaria kind of ruins Rayquaza, as it's a losing prize trade for the Rayquaza player.
RE: Japan's Nationals

EliGagerNorris said:
Garchomp/Altaria kind of ruins Rayquaza, as it's a losing prize trade for the Rayquaza player.

Makes sense. I somewhat expected Rayquaza to have drawbacks like that.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Celebi23 said:
Top 16
Hydreigon + Darkrai EX
Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX + Raikou EX
Eelektrik + Zekrom + Mewtwo EX + Raikou EX + Tornadus EX
Darkrai EX + Mewtwo EX + Tornadus EX + Tornadus
Mewtwo EX + Terrakion
Garchomp + Altaria
Darkrai EX + Mewtwo EX + Bouffalant
Mewtwo EX + Terrakion EX + Terrakion + Sigilyph + Stunfisk
RE: Japan's Nationals

I figured as such, but...why? Out of everything you could put in a deck, why Stunfisk? A random Reshiram BW, no, a random KYUREM-EX could do more in that deck than a Stunfisk.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Brave Vesperia said:
I think it's the NV Fighting Stunfisk.

Nope its the new one:

Yeah, the Stunfisk was the oddest thing out of the list. It should be the one from Dragon Blast which is:

Stunfisk HP 100 [Fighting]

[F] Muddy Water 20
Does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

[F][C] Rumble 40
The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Weak: [W]x2
Res.: [L]x2
Retreat: 3
RE: Japan's Nationals

But the NV one makes so much more sense. I gues with a PlusPower that thing KO's Zoroark, but still... I guess it could be decent for trapping something in a Darkrai deck, because most Darkrai decks don't run Switch.
RE: Japan's Nationals

I think that they had another tournament like this one this weekend. The A-league results are on Pokegym and look like this.

1st Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Tech
2nd Mewtwo/Terrakion
3rd Darkrai/Terrakion/Sableye
4th Mewtwo/Terrakion/Bouffalant

I have heard that 2010 World Champ Yuta Komatsuda took B-League with Garchomp/Altaria.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Why? This is Japan's Nationals, and the people who don't know what the Spring Carnival Tournament is will stay away, also Nationals is cooler.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Japan doesn't have a "Nationals" they have multiple worlds qualifiers across the country...
RE: Japan's Nationals

exactly my point. Japan doesnt strictly have a "Nationals". This tournament reported earlier in this thread is the first of the several World Qualifiers that is held in Japan.
RE: Japan's Nationals

Wow... So much for Accelgor being a troll deck... It actually works...

I just wonder how that list would work? What amounts of guys they all used...

YESSS!!! Stage 2's have made a comback... I didn't see anything reallly revolving around Rayquaza which is good for me :)
RE: Japan's Nationals

Does anyone know if any of the Eel variants ran any copies of the Dragon Selection Rayquaza?
RE: Japan's Nationals

konter5683 said:
Does anyone know if any of the Eel variants ran any copies of the Dragon Selection Rayquaza?

I know its popular there, but idk if any of the ones that toped that these events ran it.