I find it a buzzkill when people hype cards, especially overhype cards. They rarely live up to the expectations except when they are negative e.g. "This will force the game to go this way even more!".
Why? Why is this different from all the other Evolutions with some promise but which cannot hope to keep up with the contemporary metagame because the pace has become too quick and Evolving Pokémon are largely worthless and thus just wasted deck space? If anything, the fact that the designers keep doing this is just a sign they are going to keep doing it.
The more useful Evolving lower Stages we see, the more big, Basics we see that take a few turns to properly set-up and can't really do anything before then, the more promising things are for a balanced metagame where fully Evolved Pokémon (what includes Basics that don't Evolve!) are on approximately equal footing.![]()
I was just following on what WPM said... Sure, it probably doesn't mean anything and nothing will change but it doesn't hurt to speculate... Also, we're thinking there may be evolution support not because of this card in particular but because of the set's theme being EXs vs Megas vs BREAK... And I don't think people were overhyping the card so to me that was buzzkilling... and this is coming from someone who's usually the buzzkiller...
On the other hand, what we don't need are ideas that were fully implemented but failed spectacularly before like
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. It didn't balance things out, it just ended up making Evolutions overpowered for a while, until by the end it only made specific cards overpowered. Although such things work across the board, they don't fix problems.
You know, I don't actually play competitively, or even play at all, so you can dismiss what I say at will, but I've always followed the competitive scene due to pure interest...
If I remember correctly, Rare Candy and Broken Time-Space also coexisted with Pokémon SP which everyone complained about back then... But I also remember people complaining about the bunch of Flygon, Beedrill, Magnezone Prime, etc. decks, for example... My point being, at least back then, there were actual Stage 2 main attackers in decks whereas now people only use them as support pokémon, mainly.
I don't know if Rare Candy being printed again the way it worked before would fix things, but are you seriously telling me that it wouldn't help evolutions cards? I keep seeing people asking for Broken Time Space reprints... I doubt that will happen (well, it happened but only for Grass-types) but that's why I said Rare Candy would be a start.