Discussion Journey Together Official Setlist (SV9)

Both Koraidon ex and Zacian ex have been confirmed to be cut from this set, and may both instead be released as Promo Cards.

So we know that at least 1 more Pokémon ex will not make the cut in this set.

EDIT: Well apart from the Trainer Cards, the set list if official.
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Billy & O'Naire is #142
Black Belt's Training - Hoenn is #143
Black Belt's Training - Unova is #144
Black Belt's Training - Paldea is #145
Professor's Research (Sada) was #155.
Exchange Ticket is "Billet a Echanger" and #156 (probably renamed "Return Ticket" based on the placement).

All of the Pokemon and most of the Trainers match duneinines's opening posts. It looks mostly like they had one more Black Belt and one less Professor than we'd guessed.

1:48 for B&O, 7:06 for Exchange Ticket - I had to watch this on mute tbh.
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Billy & O'Naire is #142
Black Belt's Training - Hoenn is #143
Black Belt's Training - Unova is #144
Black Belt's Training - Paldea is #145
Professor's Research (Sada) was #155.
Exchange Ticket is "Billet a Echanger" and #156 (probably renamed "Return Ticket" based on the placement).

All of the Pokemon and most of the Trainers match duneinines's opening posts. It looks mostly like they had one more Black Belt and one less Professor than we'd guessed.

1:48 for B&O, 7:06 for Exchange Ticket - I had to watch this on mute tbh.
This video also confirms that Butterfree, Ludicolo, Metagross, Lillie's Ribombee, Regirock, and Noivern were all changed into holo rares in the International set.