JthMarket~open and ready for business~


code http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc412/jthproductionz/NewSignature.jpg
Sorry I am taking long on your product Anime, I will probably finish it today.
Avatar Form
Name: BlueEyedSteelix
Pokemon or images: http://www.pokemonpodcast.com/storage/696px-208Steelix.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1288641168270 (HOWEVER, I'd like this Steelix to have blue eyes. I don't have the software to do that, but I'm sure you guys do. I'd like a standard dark blue color)
Artist: Jthproductionz
Text: None, please.

I'd like the Steelix picture to be focused on just it's head (and blue eyes, hee hee). I'd like to have the background be a steel/industrial theme with a steel color and black.

Thank you!
Thanks a ton JTH!
However, I wanted an avatar, not a signature. I will still use this (as I really like it) once my Pikachu project ends. However, could I get perhaps a close up on Steelix's face fox an avatar?
Banner Order:
pokemon or images: (please supply link)

Text:The Percy Jackson Fan Club
Thanks! PM me when done!
alrighty I'm pretty busy this week ill get back to the rquests meanwhile Hyperbeem or maister can work or any other workers