i hope they reviel the evil team already.... and what is the new thing thats replacing the bike all these questions i'd like to know but don't think where getting them untill next week or even next month....
cocowoushi said:No and I hope it stays that way. There's already a million water pokemon; REALLY GOOD pokemon too. They don't need any more.
I'm sure they will give us at least a handful of new water pokemon (gotta put those Good/Super Rods to use) but I would not shed a tear if it's no more than 4 lines. It might be imbalanced compared to other types of this generation but there are just SO MANY water pokemon already that they really don't need to make more for a while.Dizzard said:They do need at least one or two new water lines. The 4th gen was absolutely appalling when it came to fire types. I don't want it to be the same case for water in this gen, I hope we get a better balance of types.
I'd like to see new pokemon for each type (besides the starters) Previous gens probably did have too many water types...but I'd still like to see some new ones just not a large bunch.
Darkfinal said:Hey i was lurking 2chan and i found this image...
Looks like some info of how to get zoura?
Isn't that just the girl and her big poofy hair?blastoise91 said:Ok thank you for getting this picture because: Everyone look at the trainer and look at what he is wearing,then look at the regular pic on the front of Pokebeach homepage.They arent wearing the same clothes and i was going to make a thread about it but coldnt get control of this pic.
So what i think is that we might be able to customize ours charaters after all!Think about it
EDIT: here is the link of the main charater with normal clothes now compare them both.http://serebii.net/blackwhite/celebipokeball.jpg
One is showing the Black, the male character (from Serebii) and the other is White, the female trainer (in promo).blastoise91 said:So what i think is that we might be able to customize ours charaters after all!Think about it![]()
That happens to be White's purse/bag/thing, not a scarf /:blastoise91 said:yea but in the pictures up the charater has a scarf the main other girl charater doesnt have a scarf
/facepalmFiveoclock said:So, according to this, the team is Team Rocket and riding on animals replaces the bike.
I don't know if I want this to be true or not. On the one hand, Team Rocket's back, and that's awesome. On the other hand, my Wynaut won't be following me around anymore, and that sucks. But on the other hand, fail HMs like Rock Smash and Cut wouldn't clutter up my Pokemon, and that is freakin' sweet.Fiveoclock said:Actually, according to another website-
“Unfortunately, Pokemon do not follow you anymore. The upside to this however is that instead of HM type moves, Pokemon have a talent along with an ability. You still need to beat gyms to use certain talents, so you can’t catch a bird Pokemon and use fly right away. A new talent called “Saddled” allows you to ride certain Pokemon at the speed of a Bike, with the added benefit of making your Pokemon grow friendlier. As for HM moves with good usage in battle, they have become TM moves, so you can still hide using Fly. The Poketch also returns, with added phone functionality. You can also choose the screen’s color theme this time around; I prefer the Team Rocket red and black style.”
This info is very old, before the starters were revealed I think, and I'm not sure how legit it is, but if it is true it is some very interesting info.
So, according to this, the team is Team Rocket and riding on animals replaces the bike.
In all fairness, the triple battle and female professor rumors turned out to be true, so really there's no telling just yet.cocowoushi said:/facepalm
These are rumors. Particularly hard to believe ones at that. I wouldn't put ANY weight on them at this point.
buruxsiru said:It could be any other country with red, white, blue, though, so..that's the reason for my half convinced stance.
ArceusTrainer said:Norway!
BTW, Hmm, wonder where the Airplane flies!
The other Regions don't have an Airport...