Drat, I really killed myself on the wording. Still, I'll take fifth over last month's third! Wait, no, you got fourth. 
Can't wait for next month's!
Can't wait for next month's!
I'm sorry but I laughed when I saw that the highest text based score had 40.5 points. I think the entries or judging were off this month in that category.
@Athena, it seems that my entry was somehow omitted![]()
It's the entries, and MtC, Gadget and I don't compete anymore![]()
Lol. I'll see what I can do next month*Jabberwock resolves to make the 2nd and 3rd place text-based entries into image cards, like PMJ does with 1st*
*Jabberwock sees that @Vom placed 3rd*
*Jabberwock looks at Vom's entry*
*Jabberwock cries*
Vom. NEVER put that much text in a card again.
I did have to make a few edits to allow it to fit, but I finally managed it with 12 pt. font (16 pt is the normal size, for reference).
Luis, yours was noticeably easier.
Yeah, the attack on our Doublade was supposed to be better but then we realized we ran out of space on the card. ._.
The standard for text-based a while back was actually the same as that in the image based if not higher, ~45-48. There has been a huge influx of a newer text fakers while those that often won competitions have since left. This simply has caused the standard to drop, and I expect it to grow in the near future as people get more experienced (and hopefully take the criticism to improve).I thought the text-based entries were, by and large, pretty good. 40.5/50 is about 80-85% I believe, so I don't think that's unduly low at all.
Some of us haven't been making fakes as long as some of the other regulars on this forum, so of course we're not going to be as experienced- especially with wording, which is where quite a few entries (including mine) slipped up.
It's a little unfair to laugh at that sort of thing, because we're always trying to improve.