Allow me to present my entry.
I hope you enjoy.
Akari's Pikachu HP: 50 [L]
Mouse Pokémon Length: 1' 4" Weight: 13 lbs.
[L] Cool Setup
Each player chooses 1 of their Basic Pokémon in play, searches their deck for a Pokémon with the same name as that Basic Pokémon in play, and puts it onto their bench. Both players shuffle their deck afterwards. If a player doesn't put a Basic Pokémon onto their Bench with the effect of this attack, that player puts 1 damage counter on each of their Benched Pokémon. If either players' Bench is full, this attack does nothing.
[L][L] Swarm Voltage 20
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with the same name as the Defending Pokémon. (don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Weakness: [F] x2
Retreat: [C]

Mouse Pokémon Length: 1' 4" Weight: 13 lbs.
[L] Cool Setup
Each player chooses 1 of their Basic Pokémon in play, searches their deck for a Pokémon with the same name as that Basic Pokémon in play, and puts it onto their bench. Both players shuffle their deck afterwards. If a player doesn't put a Basic Pokémon onto their Bench with the effect of this attack, that player puts 1 damage counter on each of their Benched Pokémon. If either players' Bench is full, this attack does nothing.
[L][L] Swarm Voltage 20
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with the same name as the Defending Pokémon. (don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Weakness: [F] x2
Retreat: [C]
So, Akari. I'm sore some of you will have never heard of him before, so I'm gonna go into a quick spiel on him. Akari is a character from Chapter #38 of the How I Became a Pokémon Card Manga. He's mostly notable for being a Transgender Boy, of which he might be one of like, two? explicitly trans characters in this franchise? which is pretty neat considering the volume Akari's chapter was in released way back in 2000. It's aged fairly gracefully, all things considered. There's some awkwardness involved in reading it now since you can tell it's old, but as far as trans characters go it's surprisingly respectful for something from the turn of the century. It helps that the moral ("cuteness and coolness aren't exclusively female/male things and are subjective") is still pretty relevant and the way it's spelt out means it's pretty easy to read it as "Akari doesn't have to be born a boy to be a boy". You can check it out online pretty easily, if you're curious.
So first off, I acknowledge that using "their" instead of "his or her" on a e-Card era card is incorrect. However, I think that's dumb, especially on a card for a transgender character, so I'm using their instead. Image fakers can say they acknowledge it and not get dinged for doing past eras with their, so I'm hoping that I won't be either.
As Akari only appeared once ever, this card is balanced for the e-Card era. Technically, Akari's chapter was much closer to the Neo era than the e-Card era, but the Neo era is an unfun, flippy mess to play, so I'm going with e-Card as that's the format I'm more familiar with balance for. As a bonus, and because this character's relatively unknown, I made a sprite for him. I'm not really experienced with spriting, but outside of the squished Pikachu I think it turned out pretty okay.
The card's designed the way it is because the one real scene Akari's Pikachu has is where it defeats a swarm of Ariados. So, this card's supposed to epically defeat swarms of your opponent's Pokemon, like all those pesky babies that everybody plays in neo or just doing a lot to your opponent's main attackers in the much weaker e-Card format. As there's no indication that Akari ever evolves his Pikachu, it's balanced like a fully evolved Basic and not an evolving Pikachu.
Cool Setup I think is the main thing I'm going to get points on for creativity, as while as probably where I'll lose points for wording. The idea's to let your opponent set up and then punish them later, with the extra punish if they attempt to fail search it. The full bench clause is something I would leave off for a more modern card, but feels appropriate here. Same with the coin flip on the second attack, which otherwise is a fairly strong spread for the era. Most good e-Card era decks end up using a lot of different Pokemon, which mitigates it somewhat.
While most e-Card blanks lack a Pokedex entry and stats, the "VS" cards exclusive to Japan do have stats. And as those are all Owner's Pokemon, I elected to include the stats here.
This is a more for-the-fences card than usual, so I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't do too well, but I like Akari and I liked this idea, so I'm going for it.
As Akari only appeared once ever, this card is balanced for the e-Card era. Technically, Akari's chapter was much closer to the Neo era than the e-Card era, but the Neo era is an unfun, flippy mess to play, so I'm going with e-Card as that's the format I'm more familiar with balance for. As a bonus, and because this character's relatively unknown, I made a sprite for him. I'm not really experienced with spriting, but outside of the squished Pikachu I think it turned out pretty okay.
The card's designed the way it is because the one real scene Akari's Pikachu has is where it defeats a swarm of Ariados. So, this card's supposed to epically defeat swarms of your opponent's Pokemon, like all those pesky babies that everybody plays in neo or just doing a lot to your opponent's main attackers in the much weaker e-Card format. As there's no indication that Akari ever evolves his Pikachu, it's balanced like a fully evolved Basic and not an evolving Pikachu.
Cool Setup I think is the main thing I'm going to get points on for creativity, as while as probably where I'll lose points for wording. The idea's to let your opponent set up and then punish them later, with the extra punish if they attempt to fail search it. The full bench clause is something I would leave off for a more modern card, but feels appropriate here. Same with the coin flip on the second attack, which otherwise is a fairly strong spread for the era. Most good e-Card era decks end up using a lot of different Pokemon, which mitigates it somewhat.
While most e-Card blanks lack a Pokedex entry and stats, the "VS" cards exclusive to Japan do have stats. And as those are all Owner's Pokemon, I elected to include the stats here.
This is a more for-the-fences card than usual, so I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't do too well, but I like Akari and I liked this idea, so I'm going for it.
I hope you enjoy.