Mawile /
/ε Shield/ Any damage done to this Pokémon by an opponent's attack is reduced by 10 for each Energy card attached to this Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
NO. 303/Deceiver Pokémon/HT: 0,6m/WT: 11.5kg
If this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and it's damaged by an opponent's attack (even if this Pokémon is Knocked Out), you may flip a coin. If heads, during your next turn, each of this Pokémon's attacks does 30 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
Punishing Bites 30x
This attack does 30 damage times the number of your opponent's Pokémon-EX in play.
It uses its docile-looking face to lull foes into complacency, then bites with its huge, relentless jaws.
For some reason, the spoilers mess up the card. :v
Some things to clear out:
-Energy=Energy card. They're different things. For example, a DCE provides 2 Energy, but it's a single Energy card.
-Yes, it is weird that it says "even if it gets KO'd", but it's a general rule in the clause, so sue me. You are most probably never going to be using it, because of Mawile's low HP, so it
is balanced.
-Epsilon was the first letter that appeared to me as defensive. You can't see it? Well, move on, because neither can I.
-Last minute entry, so hope everything goes the proper way.

-Promo number was random, since I haven't touched my set in ages. Dx