Just a question

Dark Marc

is the name of my Lickilicky, not me <3
How many battle clans can you be in at as time, it's just that I want to make a battle clan but I'm already in Team Enternal so.. can I be in two battle clans at onece? :3
Changes that apply to making/joining TCG Clans
The limit on how many TCG Clans there can be has now been lifted. There can now be Unlimited TCG Clans.

However, you now can only join 3. If we find that someone has joined more than 3 TCG Clans, they will be warned and asked to leave one. So choose which TCG Clans you join wisely.

To see all active TCG clans, please check out the Clan Index.

(Already in 3 TCG Clans and decide to drop out of one? Tell a Clan Council Moderator.)
Only 1. :) I really hate to tell you this but, quit Eternal and make a new one, or keep in Eternal and forget about making your own.
I clan in the Battle Arena and I think 5 in Clans and Clubs but I am not certain sorry.:)