BW/BW2 Just me wanted a black professor ?

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^for the last time it is an asian game
there isnt any white people in the game (except Lt.Surge) as there isnt any black people in the game
(plus brock is black so it even out Lt.surge)
I think that like most people are saying it is an asian game but at the same time I would like to point out that if you go to many tournemnts you see more white people then black people. This could have an effect on the game as well. If I go to nats I don't think that I will see to many black people. I know it may sound wrong but Just saying

THis thread has so many jokes that could be made.


DarkFoxTeam said:
you guys act as if Pokemon is full of White people yet you guys clearly forget THEY ARE JAPANESES

lol a black professor

Yes, because there is no such thing as African-Asians....

I really don't care either way when it comes to the Professor but I would like to see more varied skin tones among the trainers in game. Instead of like.. one per game.
most of you have the right to want a variety of skin tones in the pokemon games
you know what we should do... we should wack 'em... or write a letter in BOLD RED writing our opinion

NERD #1: My computer has 2309 shades of BOLD RED.
MylesPrower said:
I think the bottom line here is: Not gunna happen.

actually the bottom line here, and about the whole situation is: who cares? who of importance cares? nobody

speaking as a man of color...I really couldn't care less about this, sure I would like some variety when it comes to my own person as a trainer, but the rest, I couldn't care less...because in the end, it really doesn't make a's not going change the stereotypes that people perceive

I honestly wonder, why this thread wasn't just deleted in the first place
African people exist in Asia, they are just not as common as in America and Europe. And if something is not common, and does not adhere to the beauty ideal, then you will rarely see it represented in games, movies and television.

Do you see a lot of albinos and people with heterochromia in American media? No, you don't. Because it uncommon and not very popular. Does that mean American tv makers discriminate against albinos and odd-eyed people? No, it does not. It simply doesn't enter their mind to feature these people specifically.
Shining Raikou said:

I think that it would be cool to personalize your character in Pokemon. If Pokemon allowed you to do that, they would be making their already awesome games even more awesome. I do not think at all that Pokemon is racist.
Why does anyone care....?
The professor is there for 5 seconds to give me my starter, and another 5 seconds to give me my national dex.
Spammerman45 said:
That's some racist crud right there.

Don't revive dead threads. This was a dumb thread full of spam anyway.


dmaster out.
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