kadabra no more=(


Aspiring Trainer
Why did they stop making kadabra cards and are still going to make abra and alakazam?Does anybody still think they should make kadabra cards?
The only way to evolve Abra to Alakazam is by using Rare Candy & like what Silver_Cyh said, as long as the Yuri Geller still cares about it, they can't make the Kadabra card at all...
I still think the Yuri Gellar case is irrelevant to why Kadabra hasn't been a card since the e-reader sets. Gellar LOST the case against Nintendo remember, so it wouldn't matter if he cares about it or not. Since the case was dismissed by the courts then there should be no reason to not release Kadabra as a card.

What people don't know is that Gellar sued Nintendo and lost in the year 2000. The Alakazam line (with Kadabra and Abra) for Expedition and Skyridge were released in 2002 and 2003 respectively. So why would they make Kadabra cards 2 and 3 years after the event, but not 6 or 7? This is what I want Nintendo to answer but I doubt they will ever tell us why Kadabra has been excluded.
Maybe they are waiting to make some crazy strong kadabra....and abra can evo right into alakazam with its second attack...pretty sexy.
Maybe there was another case we haven't heard about, I dunno. It's still strange that they included Kadabras picture on the Alakazam card though, as well as it popping up in the anime every so often. And the games. More people see kadabra on the games than the cards, probably.
Yet, if Espeon ex is to devolve Alakazam, it will return to Abra. Without Rare Candy, evolving into Alakazam is a headache.
They have to make Kadabra cards or they have to stop making Abra and Alakazam and Ice Pokemon Master yes we can still play Alakazam cause of Abra Attack and Rare Candy
1. Moved thread.

2. Abra can evolve straight into Alakazam.

3. Kadabra is on Alakazam's card for Unlimited purposes, something I mentioned in the other thread yet everyone seemed to ignore. :/
Wow. This is what, the billionth one of these threads?

1. It's just Kadabra. We still get Abra and Alakazam. Heck even the attack lets Abra SKIP to Alakazam. That's amazing to me, let's just hope that the 'zam is "omgz brokeness1!1!1" :)

2. No I don't. Reason listed above.

Arcanine out.
Why Abra, Kadabra and Alakazam hasn't appeared as a card since EX series began is still a big mystery. I don't think it's that Yuri Gellar because he lost his case. I really hope the Alakazam line will reappear in tcg.
At some point they will have to make another Kadabra because they can't just keep giving Abra attacks that allow him to evolve straight into Alakazam. Anyway, we can only hope Kadabra comes back.
I Dont understand why people like to sue pokemon so much... I think we all remember the lawsuit on burgerking...
m0nster1nc said:
Pokémon is one of the richest companies to date.

They certainly don't act like it. We need more media hype...Seriously...
A lot of people think media hype is a bad thing, I think its the best thing that ever happened to pokemon. I want to be able to go to a store again and see a pokemon right when I walk in. I want to see the well-done pokemon movies in theaters again. Pokemon 8 was better than most of the movies that appear on the cinema list every week- I dont say that just cause I'm a poke' fan, its completely true.
Arcanine 274 said:
Wow.  This is what, the billionth one of these threads?  

as i know, the 3rd.

uchihasasuke said:
Why Abra, Kadabra and Alakazam hasn't appeared as a card since EX series began is still a big mystery.


uchihasasuke said:
I don't think it's that Yuri Gellar because he lost his case. I really hope the Alakazam line will reappear in tcg.

Arcanine 274 said:
Wow.  This is what, the billionth one of these threads?  

1.  It's just Kadabra.  We still get Abra and Alakazam.  Heck even the attack lets Abra SKIP to Alakazam.  That's amazing to me, let's just hope that the 'zam is "omgz brokeness1!1!1"  :)

2.  No I don't.  Reason listed above.

Arcanine out.
Zam is actually a very nasty poke. I forgot its attack, but i knows it body lets you "disable" any of the opponets pokepowers when they try to activate it for a turn if you discard 2 cards from your hand. This card can easily work with several different cards in the metagame right now.
I think that is so odd because all 3 pokemon were in throughout battle frontier so I can't see why kadabra would be out and it is pointless to evolve a pokemon with out the first stage pokemon as it's evolution.:)