RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!
@mlouden03: From your wants in general, I have the following:
DCL Top x1
Garchomp C X x1 (Promo)
Charizard G Xx (Pack)
Uxie X x 1 (WC 2010)
Machamp x1 (Base Set Shadowless)
I am almost certain that I have a pack of sealed Ho-Oh/Lugia sleeves somewhere and RH Skarmory UD, but I would have to check. That's not enough for a Luxray, but it's what I have.
@ScreamRawr: Haha, nice dude. XD
@Torterra_Tank: I asked if you were trading, not that it was the whole deal. Not that I would give a whole lot more for Magnezone. It's only worth $6. Almost, I would throw in a Seeker. :\ We should probably avoid trying to trade with each other since this is the third time and you yourself have rejected the offers, don't you think? Not trying to be rude, but we shouldn't really be wasting out time.