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Kaira's TGC Thread: Updated with Landmin, Machamp, and 2 Raichu X! Want CoL Energy!

RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Yeah, I just saw. :\
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

If you want to expand the trade, let me know. But I need them without hassle, otherwise, I'll just throw two onto my order from T&T in a few days.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Well, I don't know what else to offer you and that was the only card that interested me. I'm not too desperate for it. Already have 3 of my own. Just want more for the future.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Interested in 2x Spiritomb TM and any of my other wants.
I know I at least have Oddish (UD) (RH) x 1, I should have much more that you will like.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Wanna do your
Garchomp C
Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x Uxie

for my Mew Prime and some throw ins?
Need any trainers/supporters/staples?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

@Tyler: Sorry, didn't see anything that interested me.

@ScreamRawr: Okay, with Uxie ($7 each), Cyrus's ($5), and Garchomp C ($4), that's a $23 trade. Mew is only $17. How about a Crobat prime with this, since Crobat is almost $6? It be an even trade. Send message with response. Thanks.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

CML for your 2xspiritomb TR
i only need those unless you got my other wants
check my thread, i got most staples
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Umm, the only thing in your list that interests me from your list is Blaziken FB Lv X, but obviously that is worth more than the two Spiritomb. I'd be willing to trade to Canada if I can make this trade, given that we can arrange something with the trade.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Victory Bump of the Week!
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and TR up for trade as well!

Umm, sorry, don't see anything that interests me.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

Second bump to victory this week!
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

CML for jumpluff HGSS and sunflora HGSS
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

Do you trade the Magnezone Prime?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

check my wants for My luxray gl x?
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

My Meganium Prime for Your Magnezone Prime? Deal? Deal. kthxbai
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

@mlouden03: From your wants in general, I have the following:

DCL Top x1
Garchomp C X x1 (Promo)
Charizard G Xx (Pack)
Uxie X x 1 (WC 2010)
Machamp x1 (Base Set Shadowless)

I am almost certain that I have a pack of sealed Ho-Oh/Lugia sleeves somewhere and RH Skarmory UD, but I would have to check. That's not enough for a Luxray, but it's what I have.

@ScreamRawr: Haha, nice dude. XD

@Torterra_Tank: I asked if you were trading, not that it was the whole deal. Not that I would give a whole lot more for Magnezone. It's only worth $6. Almost, I would throw in a Seeker. :\ We should probably avoid trying to trade with each other since this is the third time and you yourself have rejected the offers, don't you think? Not trying to be rude, but we shouldn't really be wasting out time.
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

hm..I'm Definately interested in WC uxie x (and WC bts/collector if you have any as well) the charizard and Gchomp are minor..and I actually forgot Gcomp was on my list..

maybe..CML for wc uxie, bts, collector, uxie la ((all WC) if you have the others) and for DC top. thanks :)
RE: Kaira's TGC Thread: UPDATED WITH TR! Spiritomb AR and Azelf LA for trade!

Okay, you've talked me into it. I'll trade you 2 Meganium Prime for your Magnezone Prime. lol ;)