BW/BW2 Kanto starters' Dream World abilities

Metalizard said:
I know this doesn't make sense but a Magic Guard Charizard would be good since it no longer would have to take 50% damage from Stealth Rock which is the only thing that keeps Charizard away from OU meta...

Well charizard sucks besides just SR(which is why its nu not uu)
Squirtle should get shell armor
Charmander intmidate/keen eye
Bulbasaur- A new one or solar power
Alright, let's get constructive here.
Venusaur: A perfect user of Grass and Poison attacks. I would love to see it's poison typing get some love with a Poison-boosting ability that works like Overgrowth.
Charizard: An excellent user of Flying and Fire moves. I say it should get Flash Fire, that way it can wreak havoc after a good absorbtion.
Blastoise: This pokemon is key on defenses and can attack well if needed. How about an ability that works with boosting anything that is related to defenses, such as Skull Bash?
now that i think about it charmander could really use flash fire. esp from a lava plume or something. of couse theres always sr. i still like intimidate though cuz thats another sd an opponent will have to use...
of topic: any threads on eeveelutions and as-of-yet-unknown pokemon aternate abillities? i really want a pikachu w/motordrive!
Venusaur with Thick Fat fat would be epic, no? Then you could have Blastoise w/Water Absorb or Swift Swim.

Charizard. . .could get Thick Fat, too, I guess.

Charizard learns Bell Drum I think, so yeah.
im sticking with the idea that charmander gets flash fire, sqirtle gets water absorb, and bulbasaur get herbivore(which boosts atk and sa when hit by a grass move)
Herbivore sounds... lacklustre. I mean, how often is Venusaur going to get the chance to switch into a Grass type attack?

I mean, he has the resistance to back it up, sure, but...
i have to agree with helion. thick fat would really help venasuar and does make sense. i still wouldnt mind herbivorous but it seems more fitting for a leafeon.
frostwind said:
what use does that serve. charmander learn no grs moves, squirtle cant learn a single fir movee and bulbasaur only gets withdraw.

Duuuuude...Didn't you read at the end?Jk means joking,he was just kidding.Try to read more,so you won't reply when its not true like in this case...And Bulbasaur can't even learn Withdraw. >_>
ya sorry. i was thinking turtwigm on another site, someone posted that bulbasaur get flash fire, squirtle herbivorous, and charmander water abosrb. and they were serious.
Gleafeon> Uhh, I edited that in, I intended it to be a joke at first. It's fine though, and thank you.
Remember the fact that they might get brand new abilities we haven't heard of yet. If they get some old ones, these are my guesses:

Bulbasaur: Solar Power/Chlorophyll/another sun related ability
Charmander: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Squirtle: Swift Swim/Shell Armor
frostwind said:
now that i think about it charmander could really use flash fire. esp from a lava plume or something. of couse theres always sr. i still like intimidate though cuz thats another sd an opponent will have to use...
of topic: any threads on eeveelutions and as-of-yet-unknown pokemon aternate abillities? i really want a pikachu w/motordrive!
Please type correctly.
Yeah i think chlorophyl. flash fire and swift swim.
ok i meant stealth rock especially and sword dance. didnt see the need to write them all out. my posts are long enough.
if legends were to get diff abillities, id like them to have something more fitting then pressure. like snow warning on articuno.
Bulbasaur with flash fire,
squirtle with motor drive
and charmander with water absorb would be epic, though I do agree with Hellion- Venasaur with thick fat would be awsome.
Blastoise with Water Absorb would leave UU. BL, maybe OU, but it would have to compete with Vaporeon for Water-Absorbing Tank... Charizard with Flash Fire might stay in NU, but a bump up to UU is pretty likely. Venusaur with Herbivore would just be ok. Overgrow is probably better for attacking sets, especially ones with Life Orb. I guess the ability to come in o an attack and start setting up would be good for both Attacking and Defensive sets. Obviously, this is all speculation, but I think this is a good idea that could change competitive play a good bit.