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Kashmaster's trading thread, [H]2x Spiritomb, 4x Rare candy, Flygon lv X, Flygon RR [W] very little

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RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

But what do you want beside the Lv Xs as there are complications regarding them lol. I dont mind ripping myself of as long as I get the deal lol

Also could you keep that deal for luxray lv X as if the previous deal falls through Il contact you yh?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Yeh. No problems. I really NEED Lux X and Infernape 4 X so I'm happy to rip myself for them :) I'm not too fussed about Champ's so I am happy for you to have them :)

LMK if we can strike a deal for both Nape and Lux X - are they to the same person? maybe I could match the deal?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Well They guy is giving me Flygon lv X, 3 Flygon RR, 2 Salamence SF and 2 memory berry. I just need your machamp really. LMK what you want for them please. The machamp that is. Il tell you if I want your salamence tommorow ok?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

kashmaster said:
Well They guy is giving me Flygon lv X, 3 Flygon RR, 2 Salamence SF and 2 memory berry. I just need your machamp really. LMK what you want for them please. The machamp that is. Il tell you if I want your salamence tommorow ok?

Well the only thing is Infernape 4 X if you're not able to trade the Lux X. Sorry man. I have everything else on your list :(
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

kashmaster said:
Yh Il talk tommorow I guess :(

No worries, thanks man

EDIT: OHOHOH Do you have any Blaziken FB Holos? Because if you do I could do it for your Blaziken FB X - My friend needs one.

Something like

My 2-1-2 Champs
2x Expert Belt
2-2-2 Kingdra LA (Or something like that - you chose depending on what you need for good deck lines)


2-1 Blaziken FB X line
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Sorry I don't have any but if your friend wants the Blaziken lv X I can trade it LMK
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

kashmaster said:
Sorry I don't have any but if your friend wants the Blaziken lv X I can trade it LMK

KK I'll speak to him and we'll talk tomorrow :)
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Thanks alot, I hope I get this trade xD
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Hello, I have 4x Trapinch SW and a Salamance SF for trade. Could I trade them for a Blaziken FB Lv X and Luxray GL? Thank you!
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Im sorry but that is nowhere near worth it on my end

Your cards= 2 pounds

Mine: 20 pounds

Make a new offer. I could do luxray gl for 4 x SW trapinch and some other stuff can you provide a list?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Thanks, you should just make a thread, makes it easier for everyone and cuts down on time for you :)
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

yeah well, I don't have that many cards so it would be pointless to make a thread... And I can't be bothered lol
Just to finalize: YOUR Luxray GL
For: MY 4x Trapinch SW

Is that an ok deal?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

no lol, I said My: Luxray gl for your 4x SW trapinch AND something else, do you have anything to satisfy my the extra want?
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Erm... That Salamence SF? Or I could just spam you with random card names :)
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Ok then here goes... Tangrowth LV X, Heatran LV X, Gliscor LV X, Giratina LV X, Charmeleon SF, Shiny Ponyta PA, Beedrill GE, Mr. Mime MT, Arcues AR 4+9 (water/steel), Sceptile PA (#30), Salamence PA, Gyarados SF aaaaand Dialga G.

If none of these then I give up... lol :)
RE: Kashmaster's trading thread, (N) Trapinch SW x4, 2-1-2 Machamp SF Immediatly!

Good thing you did that lol. Im interested in Beedrill GE, Gliscor lv X, charmeleon SF, Mr mime MT, Tangrowth lv X and Gyarados SF. I think we can make a good trade :)
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