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Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

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RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Please CML for your

1x Sealed Great Ball Playmat
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Sorry I dont see anything Crippler :/
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats

Please CML for your...

1x Sealed Great Ball Playmat

I have these from your wants...

1x Gyarados SF
1x BTS
1x Expert belt
1x Felecity
1x Spiritomb

I have a TSD Unlisted if your Interested in that.
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

Im only interested in the Gyarados, Expert belt, spiritomb. Thats it. You see anything you want for them?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

I can do this if ya want...

Gyarados SF Holo

Gengar AR RH (is this the 1 with Curse and Shadow Skip?)
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

have regice and expert belt also cml i want celebi star
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

CML for Celebi * thanks
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

@ Crippler 18, I know that Gengar is worth much more than a gyarados. So I cant do that offer...

@ Yoyo, where is your list?

@ Aphotic, I like the donphan primes, spiritomb AR and do you have regice LA. Make an offer please :)
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

I actually don't have any regice right now, and down to last Donphan Prime. Anything else you're looking for thanks.
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

Well Im still interested in Donphan prime, Uxie X and spiritomb

LMK of an offer
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

did you see anything?
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

How's this:

Uxie X (Dinged)

Your: Celebi *

Lmk thanks
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

@ Aphotic, I really need that donphan more

@ Yoyo, I dont see anything really sorry :/
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

I can do a 1 to 1 trade.
What condition is the Celebi in, any scratches or whitening?

RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

The Celebi is in mint condition.

Id prefer to get donphan and a spiritomb. LMK
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

Ah going to have to pass on that then it's more than what I wish for it. If you're interested in my original offer lmk thanks.
RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Celebi Star, Lv Xs, Primes, SEALED playmats/Sleeves

1x Gyarados SF
1x Expert belt
2x Spiritomb

Celebi star
SF gengar

LMK. =)
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