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KDK - Plasma without Thundurus


i like charizard
So I was using a "normal" Plasma list, with Thundurus, Absol, and lots of special energy as well as several other techs. However, I was not doing so well (overall), especially against Darkrai variants which are prominent in my area. I tried some things, but nothing really solved my problems. So I decided to strip my deck down to the bare basics (never been a fan of Thundy anyway). Kyurem attacks, Deoxys on the bench. Keldeo is necessary to get off consecutive Blizzard Burns, so I added that. My Trainer line stayed mostly the same, but I swapped a few Supporters and added Bicycle. Anyway, after some brief testing everything is looking great so far. I'm not having anywhere near the issues I had with my old list, and with the exception of one game (T2 his Lugia started sweeping my Kyurems) I was able to get a strong set up and win every time. So now that you have or haven't read all of that, here's my list.

Pokemon: 10
  • 4 Kyurem
  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 2 Keldeo EX
Supporters: 12
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
Items: 24
  • 2 Bicycle
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher (will remove)
  • 4 Colress Machine
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Team Plasma Ball
  • 1 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Energy Switch
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 14
  • 4 Plasma energy
  • 7 Water energy
  • 2 Psychic energy
Ideal strategy:
- T1 get a Kyurem active with two energies, ideally with a combo of at least 2 Deoxys/Kyurem on the bench, Frost Spear (0-1 prize)
- T2 active Kyurem with 3 energy/Bangle, 2 Deoxys & 1 Keldeo/FS on bench, Blizzard Burn (1-2 prizes)
- And from then on, power up Kyurems and use Keldeo/FS for consecutive Blizzard Burns.

The only thing I am worried about is the new rule changes (for those who don't know, Catchers require a flip and 1st player can't attack T1).
1. I think that even though Kyurem can hit for big damage and doesn't necessarily need Catchers, the new Catcher rule will help bench-sitter decks like Blastoise and Garbordor thrive even more. I'm not sure whether because Catcher is now a less valuable card, I should drop the count to 3 or even 2, or if I have to keep it at 4 so I have maximum chances to hit one. I am removing all 4 Catchers to add more consistency cards.
2. I don't need to attack T1 if I can get Bangle and 2-3 Deoxys T2 for an EX KO, but I would like to go first every game, obviously. What do you think is best for a Plasma deck if I have the choice.

Sorry for rambling, and thanks in advance for any advice!
Once the rule change is active, I would drop the Catchers. Its just such a big risk even though the reward can be high. You can focus the deck on more consistency when you remove them. A possible addition when dropping them is another Team Plasma Ball or Ultra Ball to increase your chances of getting the ideal set-up. I did notice you aren't currently using an Ace Spec. For Plasma decks Dowsing Machine seems to be the best one to go with for recovery.
Thundurus seems really important to the deck because of its ability to help set up a t-2 blizzard burn.
Interestingly enough, two of my Poké pals ran very similar decks to yours at the recent IN Regional tournament. Both had good success with their decks except when Float Stones were Scrappered and/or prized. Needless to say, the Virizion-Mewtwo or Virizion-Genesect matchups were real tough (Keldeo EX is the prime Catcher-1HKO target), but one f my friends did manage to beat 2 of the 3 Virizion decks he faced.

1. Going forward, both players (like many other players I know) plan to replace all of their decks' Pokémon Catchers with either more card/Poké draw cards and/or techs. Most of us feel "flipping" just isn't worth the 50-50 chance you have for success versus another card that has a 100% favorable outcome. Personally, I will replace 2 of my Catchers with Escape Ropes.

2. In my Plasma deck, I've replaced my Catchers with more Poké search cards and an extra Silver Bangle.
King Arceus, I knew I forgot something. ;) Yes, Dowsing Machine is my preferred Ace Spec.

Also, based on other advice I've gotten, I took out the Prism energies for 2 Psychic and 1 Energy Switch. I figured that 10 basic energy combined with Energy Switch and Super Rod, should provide enough energy for the whole game. I haven't had any troubles yet, so we'll see.

As for dropping the 4 Catchers, I think I'll add 1 Team Plasma Ball, 1 Colress/Bianca, and... and that's all I know for now. I could throw in a 4th Bangle/Float Stone or a 3rd Tool Scrapper if I'm worried about Garbordor and G-Boosters. I'll update after more testing. Thanks for the advice everyone